Aoife's Message

*****Reminder - Holy Week Prayer Gathering today at 2.45pm, all welcome******
Hello Holy Cross families,
Term 1 has flown by with a plethora of gatherings, special events and, of course, learning experiences. We're looking forward to an equally jam-packed Term 2. See below for some of our recent news.
Our Year One children headed into Gisborne this week to explore our local community. They had an itinerary of places they wanted to see and everyone stopped off for a treat at Fallin Freight cafe. Year Two children will be exploring some areas of Gisborne next week and are already looking forward to a visit to 3 Little Pigs cafe. Our Year Five children are all going to visit Sacred Heart College in Kyneton next Wednesday. Thank you to Darren Egberts and the team at Sacred Heart for hosting us. Year 3/4 are out and about as I type this message, they're busy researching playground design!
Rupo Harvest
We're looking forward to being part of the Rupo Harvest at Salesian College this evening. Thank you to the parent volunteers who have been making/baking some delicious treats to sell. We have tried to use produce from our veggie patch where we can. Our stall will be open from 5pm until we (hopefully!) sell out of stock. You'll find our stall on the covered basketball courts, we'd love to see you there.
School photos
We have our whole school photo session happening on Monday 3rd April. Please ensure your child/ren are in full summer uniform, including black school shoes. Classes who have sport/Outdoor Ed on a Monday are asked to bring their runners with them to change into.
Athletics Day - Tuesday 4th April - parent helpers needed please
A whole school athletics day is a huge undertaking, requiring an inordinate amount of work behind the scenes. Thank you to Casey, our Interschool Sports coordinator for your organisation. We were disappointed to have to call off the event this week but we are already looking forward to next Tuesday. In previous years the Yr 3- Yr 6 children took part in athletics day, we are delighted to be able to include our Prep - Yr 2 children in this event and look forward to building on this experience moving forward. If you are available we are in need of parent assistance as the change of date has resulted in some parents no longer being able to assist. Please jump onto Operoo if you're able to help.
Holy Cross wine
We had some very creative suggestions for our pinot, we narrowed it down to five names and then had the children select the final name. Congratulations to the Beven family who came up with 'Geboor Views'. A bottle of wine is waiting for you at the office! Thank you to Rachelle who has been working with our Media leaders, Riley, Patrick, Sebastian, Grace, Jaxon, Ruby and Alyssa, to create designs for the label. Each Media Leader contributed ideas to the label, with the final design being put together by Ruby. Please see the Operoo we sent home last week regarding wine purchases. Thank you for your support!
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations to our Year 3 children who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation last night at St Brigid's Parish Church. Thank you to Emily, Sharon and Lisa for your work in supporting the children to prepare for this special sacrament. Families are the first church for their children, we are privileged as a school to work alongside you. Thank you also to Fr Vin and Fr Kevin for celebrating with us.
Colour Run - last day of term
Our fantastic PFA team will be running a Colour Run on the last day of Term 1. It is not being run as a fundraiser this year, rather it's an opportunity for our children to have some end of term fun before we head into the autumn/winter months.
Term 2
As per my letter home to all families on 17/03/23, Term 2 will commence for children on Thursday 27th April.
3/4 Camp
We are excited to have our Year 3/4 camp taking place in Term 2. Holy Cross has been extremely fortunate to secure a one off grant to contribute towards the cost of our 3/4 camp. This is part of a government incentive 'Positive start camps'. It is highly unlikely that this grant opportunity will ever be offered again so we are grateful to have secured a spot for our school. The grants were highly competitive and unfortunately we did not secure funding for 5/6 camp costs.
Cyber Safety Yr 5/6
We were delighted to welcome Constable Wade Andrews to our school yesterday. Wade spoke to the children about the importance of cyber safety and being aware who you are friends with online.
Please see below for a short reflection based on a homily from Pope Francis. Wishing everyone a blessed Easter.