Resource Centre

This week at the Resource Centre was a busy one, filled with a variety of events and activities for all year levels, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

One of the events was working with picture story books with Year 8 students, where

they explored inferences and visualisation reading strategies. The book titled Memorial, written by Gary Crew and illustrated by Australian Artist Shaun Tan was read to the classes. Featured below is a person’s inference about the plot. 



Another highlight of the week was that the Resource Centre also hosted Book Club, which provided an opportunity for avid readers to come together and discuss their

favorite books, as well as discover new titles and authors. The discussions

were lively and engaging, with participants sharing their insights and opinions

on everything from character development to plot twists.


For other visitors, supremacy over games of chess revealed astute strategies that

connected students from various year levels. Everyone was clearly delighted by

the competition, with many eagerly participating and asking questions about

maneuvering their way to victory. In the image below is Crystal Lazarus and Meeka Slattery were in the midst of a stalemate, just as the third energised game commenced, the bell sounded for the end of lunchtime. However, the tension is set for an imminent rematch. 



Overall, it was a fantastic week at the Resource Centre, with a wide range of activities

and events for visitors to enjoy. The Resource Centre is truly a hub of

learning and creativity. Whether you’re a lifelong bookworm or a games

enthusiast, there is something for everyone, and this week was no exception.


Ian Francis
