Year 8 

The Year 8 Learning Day initiated a wonderfully insightful conversation on what it means to learn, not just surface learning, but deep learning that challenges and pushes the learner. At the start, the students were asked to reflect on their own style of learning and evaluate how effective this was for them. 


The students were introduced to the concept of The Learning Pit or also known as The Learning Challenge. Together with the teachers, the students explore the theory that the brain is malleable and capable of being formed and reformed, taught and retaught. Of course, in order for this to be the case, the girls needed to understand that learning is a challenge and can be quite difficult. Therefore, if learning is difficult, as learners we cannot do it alone. The students delved into ‘The Pit’ and identified and built on strategies and language that will assist them in the process of getting out of the proverbial pit and into greater learning.


Each homeroom was tasked with creating their own Learning Pit that highlights their interpretation of the processes, language and strategies needed to facilitate deep learning. These pits will serve as reminders for the students of the challenge, but also include strategic ways they can assist their own learning. The competitive natures of the students and teachers alike surfaced. Which classroom will develop the clearer, more creative and best instructional pit?


The Year 8 Learning Day is a fitting progression from the Year 7 Growth Mindset Day, where students are taught that anything is possible, all learning is possible, just do not limit your thinking. “I can’t do this” becomes “I can’t do this yet”. The Year 8 students showed us that they could do it and lift their standards as a result.


A huge thank you and well done to all the students of Year 8, who embraced the day and gave it their all. Their commitment to their own learning is inspiring. Of course, it would not be possible without the involvement and passion of the staff, who model the learning challenge on a daily basis. A special thank you goes out to the Year 8 Homeroom and Level staff.


Anna Ciccone

Learning Leader