Learning conferences will take place in Week 5 and 6 (22/8/2022 - 2/9/2022) with bookings available through Sentral. 


In Semester 2 we are taking a new approach to goal setting. Students will be given a booklet to help them to create, track and reflect on their goal. 


Students will reflect on how they align to the keys to success using a traffic light system and set a personal and achievable goal that is relevant to ‘the next step’ in their learning.


Goals will continue to be based on the Keys to Success (Organisation, Getting Along, Resilience, Persistence and Confidence) and are the core of all learning, regardless of subject area or year level.  The goals will be aligned to the Semester 1 report 'next steps' and will be specific in supporting each student's personal learning journey. 


Students will reflect and give feedback on whether they are achieving their goal and collect evidence of how they have met their goal. They will seek and action feedback from peers and adults and be able to explain and show evidence of how feedback has enabled them to achieve their goal.


When students have formative ongoing or summative assessments, individual students are given next steps in their feedback to help improve individual learning. Summative personal learning goals for individuals are shared in your child's school report and these are areas you can support them with at home. In Literacy assessment includes  reading and comprehension as well as understanding of spelling concepts and also language conventions and grammar. Individual goals are set to assist each student to take the next sequential step to improve their learning. Small group tasks are set in Literacy and Maths to support the needs of individuals. Personal reading goals are sent home and these are worked on at home and school.