HASS is short for Humanities and Social Sciences. It encompasses History and Geography and we use the Inquiry learning approach.

This semester, we are focusing on Geography

Our main question is What is a Place?  We will be looking at our local environment and investigating the features of our environment focussing on the following man made, natural or managed.  We will focus on the features that define places. The children will also learn about our country and look at geographical divisions. A local walk is planned to investigate our environment later this term.

Along the way we will also be working on specific vocabulary related to our topic.

Continent - A large area of land.

Features - A place or a landscape you can see.

Geography - Study of the earth, people and places.

Scale - Size of something.

Place -  Where someone or something can be.



Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, and that leads to asking questions, making discoveries, and testing those discoveries in the search for new understanding. Students are encouraged to initiate their own topics or areas that they are interested in learning more about by posing wonderings or questions they have about a topic. When students choose an aspect they are interested in, they are highly motivated to find out about it.


The Arts includes the following components : Drama, Music, Dance, Media Arts and Visual Arts. In term 3, we will be focussing on music  and in Term 4 the focus will be dance.


In Music students will explore with sounds as they learn to listen to, make and perform music. They will become aware of rhythm and pitch, beat and tempo and learn to differentiate between sounds and silence, and loud and soft sounds. They will learn to compose music, using notation to represent the music they have created, and perform music while keeping in time with group members. Students will focus on listening to Aboriginal music, representing animals and creating our own music to sound like animals.  The students will also learn a variety of songs.


Through Dance, students will become aware of their bodies, and explore space, time, dynamics and relationships as they make and observe dances. Students will observe various cultures' dances and gain an understanding and appreciation of how dance is often a form of storytelling and a way to express feelings. Students will focus on selecting and organising their own movements in their own dances and perform them to an audience to tell a story.

Drama Semester 1


All Year 1 and 2 students have the opportunity to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the form of iPads and Chromebooks, provided in each learning area, to support and enhance teaching and learning programs at LNPS.  The purpose of ICTs is to enable students to develop research skills, become fluent with device functions and features of programs, to stimulate creativity and to develop responsible internet citizens with an awareness of the need for cyber safety.  Through exploration, design and problem- solving, students learn how technologies work. In Design and Technologies students design and create solutions to challenges through structured play and discovery, by safely using materials and equipment. There are three stages to Design and Technology. The first is researching an idea you have been thinking or wondering about. The second stage involves creating, putting the design and planning into action.  The third stage is a reflection and evaluation on what you did well, what worked and how you might think differently or approach the task next time.  Students also learn how to work safely online, represent data as pictures, symbols and diagrams, and sequence steps to solve simple problems.