Pat Cronin Presentation

"Be Wise" One Punch Program

On Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June, Greater Shepparton Secondary College were very fortunate to have the Pat Cronin Foundation ‘Be Wise’ One Punch Program visit and present to our year 9s and year 10s. 


Pat was the victim of a One Punch/Coward Punch attack, which tragically proved fatal. His foundation now spreads the word on the impacts of violence to schools around Australia. Presenter Peter Eames emphasised the message that anger can lead to aggression that can result in violence.


The school has a variety of wellbeing supports in place to assist young people in coping with their feelings and making appropriate decisions.


Thomas Jones from year 9 said;

I am glad the presenter came and spoke to us. The emotions that the presenter was able to convey to us were powerful. The story really dug deep. It got us to show empathy for a person we didn’t even know. The message showed us that we need to stop and think about our behaviour.

Greater Shepparton Secondary College, through our Social and Emotional Curriculum assists our students in building their emotional literacy. Assisting young people to acknowledge their feelings such as anger, is an important component of the curriculum. 


Our school would like to thank the Shepparton Lions Club for their contribution towards the running of this program. It is greatly appreciated. 


If you would like to know more about the foundation:



Mark Metcalf

Secondary School Nurse