Art Domain - Year 7 & 8


Year 7 & 8 Visual Arts

Water droplet drawings: Students used charcoal to create realistic looking water droplets with shadows and highlights to great affect.

Watercolour paintings (below) Students first blended colours for their background. They then painted a landscape silhouette over the top to create an image of a sunset.

Year 8 Visual Arts

These classes have been looking at different artist’s works to help inspire the development of their own artistic creations. They have used a variety of mediums such as watercolour, coloured pencils, ink markers, graphite pencils etc, to explore the Elements and Principles of art and to build up their own portfolio of artworks. 


The resulting artworks, whilst based on the same criteria, are all unique and show each student’s individual flare. There are some very talented budding artists in this Year level, I wish I had room to show them all!


Alison Sealie

Art Domain Leader