
Bus Travel

Students are reminded that vaping or smoking on any form of public transport in Victoria is prohibited. If drivers become aware of students vaping or smoking the student can be removed from the bus they are travelling on and be banned from future travel.


Student Laptops



Students are reminded to please charge their laptop every night to ensure they have a full battery ready for school each day!



Picking your student up early?

If you need to collect your student from school before the end of the school day for an appointment, please remember to provide them with a note in the morning. When students have a note they can show their classroom teacher and they will be able to leave class on time, sign out in their neighbourhood and then be waiting in reception for you. Students should be collected from the Enterprise Building reception area.


Student Wellbeing

If a student feels unwell or unsettled at school they can always approach their House reception for assistance. The school will contact a parent or carer if a student needs to be collected early due to illness. Reminder if students bring their mobile phone to school it should be kept in their locker until the end of the day. We thank parents and carers for supporting the school in implementing this policy.