Year 10 Work Experience

20-24 June (week 9)

Work Experience:


Work Experience will be running during Week 9 (20-24 June) of this term. Thank you to all the students who have submitted their Work Experience Arrangement Forms to the Pathways office. They have been signed by the Principal and sent to their respective employers, along with the two documents attached to this email. Students were provided with a ‘Work Placement Booklet’ (attached here) during the Aspire lesson this week. The booklet has guidelines and tasks for students to complete during their work placement and submit to the Aspire teachers after returning to school.   


Students will be sent a copy of their signed Work Experience forms on Teams in the coming few days. It is a requirement to upload the ‘Safe @ Work’ certificates (General and Industry modules) to the learning task under Aspire class on Compass before commencing the placements. Students not completing their work placement during Week 9 are required to attend an alternate program at the college put together by various faculties.   


The Pathways Team wishes all students the very best in their work placements. Students can message us on Teams or call us on the numbers below if they need any assistance during the placement. The ‘student evaluation form’ completed by the employer needs to be submitted to our office in Term 3.  


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