Social & Emotional Learning

Sonia De Simone

All our students from Foundation to Year 6 have created messages about how using a growth mindset helps us learn new things. We were so proud of their work that we created a school display.


Here is our Growth Mindset Display:



Another big idea we’re focusing on in Bottlebrush is on problem solving.  Students are learning to recognise that problems are a part of everyday life and that there are solutions to solve problems. We’re also focusing on treating others fairly and what that looks like at school and at home. We have read books, performed role plays and shared times we were a good friend to explore what it means to be a good friend. For the rest of the term, I’ll be team teaching with Ally, our speech pathologist to model the use of social language used during play.  We will set up activities for our students to practise the skills of taking turns, winning and losing and how to work as a team.


Sturt Desert Peas 

Sturt Desert Peas have been learning how to identify the problem in a scenario and how to brainstorm possible options for a solution.  They have been comparing options and choose one to try.  We have also revisited how we can calm our bodies down when we’re in the red, yellow or blue zone to help us regulate.  Students have practised some calm down strategies and thought about what strategies they can use to help them calm down and get back into the green zone. We’ve just commenced our stress management topic.  We developed a definition of what  stress is and recognised  how stress can be felt in the body. We have also explored calming down strategies and cheering up strategies to help reduce stress.



Our amazing students have been thinking about the challenges they face in their lives and have been creating positive coping strategies.  They have also reflected on what strategies work best for them.  For our problem solving unit of work students have been describing commonly occurring problem situations and they have been developing advice for how to deal with these situations.  Students identified some common problems that young people around their age encounter, ­­­­practised some creative thinking approaches to addressing these problems and presented how they would problem solve to the class. Congratulations to our students who looked at a problem from many angles before deciding how to act. 


If you have any questions you can contact me using the email address below:


Sonia De Simone –