Sonia De Simone

Ciao a tutti, hello again to our wonderful community!


We can’t believe it’s already halfway through Term 3.  In this short time we have already achieved so much in Italian. 



Over the last few weeks our Bottlebrush students have been practising how to introduce themselves in Italian. If you ask your child, Come ti chiami? (what is your name?) you might get the following response, Io mi chiamo Sonia (My name is Sonia). 

We often start our lessons with a greeting song called Ciao Buongiorno (hello, good morning).

Here are the lyrics if your child wants to practise at home.

Ciao Buon Giorno (Hello, good morning)

Ciao Buon Giorno (Hello, good morning)

Come stai? (How are you?)

Come stai? (How are you?)

Molto, Molto, bene  (Very , very good)

Molto, Molto, bene (Very , very good)

Grazie a te (Thanks to you)

Grazie a te (Thanks to you)


We have also been learning about colours and body parts.  Here is some of the fantastic work Bottlebrush have completed so far.  Buon Lavoro tutti (great job everyone).


Sturt Desert Peas

Over the last couple of weeks we have been playing games to learn how to introduce ourselves in Italian.    We have also been drawing, identifying and labelling members of our family to support our language focus on la famiglia – my family.  We will use this language to create a book about our family called Questa ‘e la mia famiglia (this is my family).





Eucalyptus have  been working hard on their language focus called  ‘Giochiamo Insieme’ – Let’s play together.  In this unit, students are learning and using Italian to play a range of games.   Students have been asking and answering questions about what games they like to play.  They’re getting really good at introducing themselves in Italian using words and phrases. Here’s some new language we have been exploring:

  Mi piace giocare …  I like playing….

 E tu?   and you?

Do you have?   Hai?

It’s My turn - E’Il mio turno

It’s your turn - ‘E il tuo turno

I won - Ho vinto

Good game - Bel gioco

throw the dice  - Tira il dado

If you have any questions you can contact me using the email address below:



Sonia De Simone –