Bucket Fillers

 Bucket Filler Award


The idea behind the Bucket Filler theory is that each interaction with another person is a chance to build wellbeing. The theory developed by Clifton and Rath is that people have an invisible bucket.


When a person’s bucket is overflowing they feel positive and energised. When a person’s bucket is empty they feel exhausted and sad. Each person also has an invisible dipper. With this dipper they have the power to fill other people’s buckets through thoughtful and supportive interactions. They also have the power to dip from others people’s buckets through unkind interactions. The beauty is that when a person fills a bucket they build their own positive emotions too. Anyone is welcome to nominate Bucket Fillers by completing a nomination form found at the office.


Congratulations to our Bucket Fillers for this week...


Adam in 3A

Volunteering to pack up the classroom after activities. Thank you, our environmental hero!

Nominated by: Bu Sia


Lottie in 1C

Being kind and checking if I was okay and encouraging me to stand up for myself. 

Nominated by: Gemma in 3C


Mickhael in 6B

Showing empathy and courtesy towards Ella (who is on crutches).  Mikhael offered to assist Ella to minimise her movement around the classroom.

Nominated by: Mrs Jacobs


Carly in the Office

Always caring about me and always helping me when I need her. 

Nominated by: Katie 3C


Miss Murray

For helping me set up assembly when I get stuck and spending her weekends working to improve our learning.

Nominated by: Reuben 6A


Maddison in 6A

Taking me to sickbay and giving me a hug and telling me it will be alright when I felt sick.

Nominated by: Audrey in 6C