Junior School

Year 8 Tennis Program
Doncaster Secondary College received a grant to support our Sporting Schools Program and we approached Doncaster Tennis Club to run tennis clinics for our Year 8 students. By participating in these clinics, students improved on their ability to compose and perform movement sequences and used feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills.
Doncaster Tennis Club has really enjoyed working with our students, and have given students the opportunity to redeem a free trial lesson at the club. Please refer to their flyer in our Community News section.
Year 7 Values Cards
An announcement from your Junior representatives at SRC.
We are apart of the school pride group of the SRC this year and our goal is to create an environment where peoples achievements are recognised.
To help us do this we have been in contact and working with Mr Dennis and Mr Campbell over the past few weeks. We have been able to organise a reward system called “Value Cards”.
Value Cards are a reward system that is used in many schools around the country. To earn one of these cards teachers will be handing them out when the see a student/s following the school values, on the back of these cards the teacher is to fill in all the information needed to make it so no one can fake points or use cards multiple times
When you get a certain amount of value cards you can cash them in at the front office or your discovery teacher for a reward depending on how many cards/points you have, points can lead up to things like gum in class for a day, music on the speakers, having music in class etc. misbehaving can lead to point being taken away or not being allowed to have rewards granted to you.
We will create a Compass chronicle point system for all the year 7 teachers to access when a point is being granted so if points are taken away students cannot lie about how many they have. Points can be taken away from students when bad behaviour is witnessed, students are disrespectful to teachers or they are trying to use old cards again multiple times.
We are planning on having this run for only years 7’s for this year, in a hope that it starts and grows with them well, we are discussing starting this in term 4 and continuing through year levels as years go by. Teachers are to add a check mark to the spreadsheet when a student is granted a point so there is a way to keep track, once the points are used, they are to be removed from the sheet.
Teachers are to give the students a card when they witness someone displaying the school values as a way of showing recognition and making them see that their behaviour is being noticed and hopefully this leads to better behaviour around the school.
Flick J. & Tayla M.
Student Representative Council
Ancient Egypt & the Mummification process
Making a mummy ain't easy but our Year 7 students took to the challenge with much gusto... and toilet paper!
Check that the person is dead before using a metal hook to pull their brains through their nose.
Remove the organs and place them in canopic jars sealed with god-embossed lids.
Drain the liquids out of the body before packing it inside and out with natron (salt). Leave to dry for 40 days.
Get the body nice and plumpy by stuffing it with linen. Cover the body with resin.
Get wrapping!
Place amulets on the body and wrap again. Place a mask on the face.
Place the mummy in a sarcophagus (a coffin).
We'll see you again in 3,000 years!
Transforming Stories into Graphic Novels
Transforming a story into a graphic novel is a great way for students to critically examine key themes, symbols and the main ideas of a story. Our Year 7s have been developing these skills, and their ability to think creatively by producing their own script and visuals.