
You’ll often be asked about your skills when putting together an application – whether it’s for work experience, a job, a traineeship or apprenticeship, or even university. Many of these things come with a set list of skills employers or course providers will be looking for.
In-Demand Skills Employers Say They Look For
Here are the top five transferable skills that Employers and course providers are looking for.
Employers want to know that you’re genuinely keen and motivated to work in the industry they operate in and in their business. You don’t have to know everything about the industry to show motivation, but you do need to be able to demonstrate that this is where you want to be!
For Example
- Doing some work experience, volunteering or job shadowing in the sector.
- Staying current on the industry developments and growth and researching the company you apply to.
- Take part in extra activities that show your motivation to work in the sector, such as online webinars, workshops, or short courses
Employers want to know you’re prepared – and able to – commit to something, at least for a reasonable amount of time. This is especially true when it comes to things like traineeships, apprenticeships and cadetships.
You can show commitment through:
- Demonstrating how and when you’ve committed to something (anything!) for a significant amount of time, even if it was a challenge (driving lessons are a good example!).
- Examples of how you overcame adversity to achieve something – perhaps resitting an exam or having to put in extra hours of study to succeed.
Problem-solving can mean many things, but essentially being able to show that you’re switched on and ready to handle whatever comes your way. When we think of ‘problems’ it’s usually the big chaotic things that need to be solved, but problem-solving could also be thinking of and recommending a better way of doing things that improves the workplace, or how to attack an assignment or project.
Problem-solving skills can be demonstrated by:
- Examples of when you had an idea that improved things for others.
- Times you acted to resolve an issue someone else came to you with.
- Examples of how you worked with others and contributed to a team effort to overcome a challenge.
- What you did to resolve a situation where your first idea didn’t work
Creativity is all about curiosity and ideas. It’s the ability to look at things and ask questions, imagine if there’s another way to do it, and work with others to develop and deliver innovative and proactive ways that add value to others.
You can showcase creativity skills through:
- Examples of when you had an idea and saw it through to implementation (maybe for a new club at school, a new initiative such as recycling, or a creative fundraising idea for a good cause).
- Approaches to challenges in your life that helped you overcome – perhaps a unique study or revision method!
Even though the world of work has seen some significant changes and remote working is on the rise, teamwork remains a vital transferable skill employer look for. As well as collaborating with team members when working on assignments at University or TAFE Teamwork will look different in teams that work on and off-site, so it’s essential to focus on teamwork skills, such as communication, which helps keep everyone on the same page.
You can showcase your teamwork capabilities through:
- Examples of teamwork activities such as sports, clubs or hobbies.
- Group projects and assignments required you to work collaboratively to deliver a set outcome.
- Study and revision groups where you support one another.
National Skills Week 2022: In-Demand Transferable Skills You Need Today | Explore Careers Australia
Donna McKinley
Careers department