Our students continue to amaze us with their enthusiasm for all things Art! It has been wonderful to see so many students use their Art lessons, as an opportunity to pause and take a breath, during the excitement of the lead up to concert. The physical act of creating something with their hands, provided many with comfort and a form of release.


Our junior students have been busy creating a range of artworks including an Octopus’s Garden, self portraits and etched designs, whilst our middle and senior students have been exploring lines and learning about the style of New York artist Jen Stark, who creates eye catching drip style artwork. Our students enjoyed creating artwork inspired by Jen Stark’s unique style, even if the line spacing provided a challenge!


We extend our gratitude and praise to all the students and their families for making it through, what has been a busy term! Take care over the break, enjoy the Spring air and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 4, where more adventure & excitement awaits!


Mrs. Tyler & Mrs. S