EPro8 Success: 

Our EPro8 programme began with no kits and was led by teacher Jo Merritt. That team could only train at lunchtimes with Jo.


Mrs Hannard offered to take the programme to the next level. We purchased three new EPro8 kits with electronics (very expensive but absolutely worth it), and Mrs Hannard took 80 children out during class time to learn and grow. We ran our own in-school challenge to find our top teams to compete against other schools - such as Summerland.


Having seen off Summerland and the best of the west, we went to Blockhouse Bay Intermediate for the next stage.


Our children were brilliant, performing with poise, precision, creativity and collaborativity. They worked together wonderfully well - a big part of their success was down to their communication and collaboration and their ability to find solutions quickly.


In one challenge, one of our teams had solved the whole challenge in just 20 minutes - they had 150 minutes available to them. The other teams were still working out how to approach the challenge when our team completed the challenge successfully. 


Both our teams finished first equal. Both our teams completed their challenges in a faster time than the winning Intermediate School teams from the previous day (doing the same challenge too.)


Huge congratulations to our teams and coach Mrs Hannard. 


Below - our teams were received like Rock Stars as they returned in time for senior assembly.

Bolt Heads Team:

Ashton room 23, Corey room 24, Itai room 25, Jasmine room 24.


Chaotic Crew Team:

Aanya room 26, Ken room 26, Rex room 21, Ryan S room 23.