Nicki Chalmers

Zones of Regulation


Throughout the term, level 3 & 4 have been learning about ‘The Zones of Regulation.” The Zones of Regulation was designed by an occupational therapist, Leah Kuypers, to help children learn how to self-regulate. The lessons and learning activities are designed to allow students to learn to recognise the different emotional zones they experience as well as strategies they can use to change or stay in the zone they are in. 


As a part of our journey to discovering strategies that help self-regulate, this week students enjoyed participating in a mini sensory expo. Students were able to explore a large range of sensory tools and activities to decide which they found useful or unhelpful. As much as the children enjoyed “playing” with the tools, I observed some really rich conversations taking place between the students as they explored which demonstrated their developing emotional awareness.


Research shows that sensory input not only assists with self-regulation, but also reducing fidgeting, anxiety and stress. Next week I will go into more detail about the importance of sensory stimulation. But in the meantime, a great list of sensory calming options can be found here https://www.tclny.org/content/Sensory%20Calming%20Activities.pdf





Have a great weekend x


Nicki Chalmers.