
Resilience and Growth Mindset

During our Term 3 Wellbeing lessons the Foundation to Grade 4 have been focusing on developing their skills of Resilience, Problem Solving and developing a Growth Mindset.  


In order to build Resilience we need to be able to bounce back and use a Growth Mindset when faced with challenges.  Whether that challenge is making a mistake in class, having a disagreement with a friend or loosing a game. Everyday children are faced with challenges that we can develop our skills of Resilience and Problem Solving. Everyone has different levels of resilience depending on their life experiences and what the challenge they are experiencing may be. 


The Juniors have been discussing ways they can bounce back, use a Growth Mindset and think of ways they can problem solve without help from teachers or mums and dads. 

The 3s and 4s have been continuing to learn about the brain and the parts of the brain that impact on our emotions and decision making, like the Amygdala and the Pre-Frontal Cortex. 

Without resilience, children are more likely to find everyday life more difficult to manage. A child who lacks resilience will be less able to take risks and be persistent with their learning. They are also more likely to struggle socially and have difficulty managing their emotional needs. Understanding that Resilience and Growth Mindset are skills that take time to develop is important. Resilience is also extremely important for mental health and both adults and children. It assists to manage stress and our emotions. 


The children have been asked to see if they can notice when they are using a Growth Mindset verses a Fixed Mindset and to try and catch themselves when they are building their skills of Resilience.