Principal's Message
(Heads, Hearts & Hands)
Liam Buckley
Principal's Message
(Heads, Hearts & Hands)
Liam Buckley
Dear Families
As we reach the midway point of Term 3 let us pray for all our families and friends who make this wonderful school such a special place. We are blessed every day by the gift of your children. We are grateful for the love, the laughs and the learning happening every day in our classrooms. Last week our Year 5/6 students received the Sacrament of Confirmation and we hold them in our thoughts and prayers.
Father James Baptist joined the students on Tuesday as part of our Confirmation Retreat Day here at school in preparation for the sacrament on Friday.
Bishop Tony Ireland and Father David visited the students on Thursday and were very happy with the preparation that the class had done. Friday night was another very special time at St Joseph's as we celebrated the sacrament with students and families. It is always a poignant moment when we witness the children taking responsibility for their faith and we are all so very proud of all the Year 5/6 students. I would also like to acknowledge the time, effort and energy of Ms Cooke and Mrs Phyland in the weeks of preparation prior to the sacrament!
Michelle has been on Long Service Leave for about 9 weeks and has an amazing time on her travels. It felt like a looooooong time for us here at school and especially for one little boy !
Welcome back Michelle!!
PSG meetings will be happening this week and next week.
The Year 3 - 6 students will take part in the HOLT District Athletics Carnival on Sept 1st. We hope to give all the students an opportunity to take part. Operoo to follow next week.
Join us for a Book Parade on Friday at 9am approx. The children may dress up as a character from a story or book and we will celebrate together with a little parade (hopefully in the sunshine).
This week we celebrate Book Week in our classes with some wonderful new stories and text for us to share. In this age of social media and online games etc, it is so refreshing to focus on books and stories and to share the love of learning.
On Friday 26th our Juniors ( Foundation and Year 1/2 are inviting grandparents or special friends to spend Friday morning with us in school. There is so much to look forward to and this is such a special occasion. There are rumours of dancing, singing, sharing work, bingo and morning tea!!
Today I popped into Foundation and I was so impressed with the children's literacy. Thank you Hanna and children for welcoming me during literacy.
Please see P&F page
We will continue to host Open Days in Term 3 - please encourage anyone you know to visit if they are looking for a great school next year.
They will be on Thursday mornings between 9am - 11am, personalised tours are available through the office any day of the week.
Other dates:
School Closure dates (non student days) : |
Friday 9th Sept (School Closure PD) |
October 28th (Friday before Melb Cup weekend) |
Nov 1st (Melbourne Cup Day) |
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