
KCC Parenting Seminar
Operation Christmas Child
A box can be collected from the College office in Term 4. Drop off your box by 20 October 2022.
Parent Prayer Group
All are welcome to join prayer groups! Parent Prayer Group will be held in the crèche room straight after morning assembly
Please contact Robby Davey on 0412 227 945 if you have any queries.
The parent prayer group dates are as below:
Wednesday 12 October
Wednesday 16 November
PFA Running/Walking Club
Come and join our weekly walking group! This is a great opportunity to meet up with friends, meet new people in our community while getting out in the fresh air and getting fit, all abilities are welcome.
When: Thursdays, 8:45am
Where: Meet at the car park gate near the gym.
In the case of rain, the walking group will be cancelled on that day.
If you have any questions, please contact me at or on 0419 358 002. Please come and join the fun!
Junior engineers: Term 4 After School Program
After discussing with the curriculum team regarding new Minecraft programs for students, we have released a new Term 4 program that focuses on building and will be a much better follow-on from Term 3 than the initial Python program we would generally run in Term 4. I hope your children enjoy it.
Upcoming Term 4 After School Program
New Minecraft Master Builders
Starting from 11/10 to 29/11 (3:30pm–4:55pm)
For more information and registration, please click: Link to website.
Chess Mates
Football Star Academy Holiday Camp
Football Star Academy is offering holiday camp for this school (September) holidays. If you mention this HCC advertisement, you'll receive 25% off per booking.
Mentone Little Athletics 'Come & Try' Session
The experience of participating in a school district athletics carnival is often a catalyst for children and young people (and their families) to look for further opportunities to participate in athletics.
Mentone LAC is an inclusive club and we welcome children and young people of all abilities. Our newly-resurfaced track at Dolomore Reserve opened again earlier this year and is a well-used community facility.
At the end of last season, Little Athletics Victoria took the decision to include an U17 age group and this season, children and young people from U6 to U17 are able to participate.
The Little Athletics Victoria season commences in October and Mentone LAC’s registration portal is now open here. Our first session for the season is on Saturday 8 October.