Heatherton Creates

We are excited to announce that Heatherton Creates week is happening in Term 4 Week 4 at Heatherton Christian College.
This will be a week of celebration of all things creative at our school. It will have three components:
- Spring Concert – featuring some of our school bands and musical groups. This will be held at the College on Thursday 27 October at 7:00pm.
- A Virtual Art Gallery and Exhibition – showcasing our students’ creative art talents. The link to the virtual gallery will be made available via Compass Newsfeed on Monday 24 October.
- Heatherton’s Got Talent Competitions – virtual competitions for both Primary and Secondary students in three areas. There will be prizes for the best Primary and Secondary students in each category. Entries need to be submitted by Friday 21 October. (See below for the brief for each category.)
Heatherton’s Got Talent Briefs
Performance Brief
Both Primary and Secondary students are invited to submit a video clip of them performing, preferably under three minutes in duration, but no longer than five minutes. This performance will need to be posted on a link by 4:00pm on Friday 21 October. The link will be made available in Week 1 of Term 4, both on Compass Newsfeed and in the College newsletter.
Art Brief
The theme for both Primary and Secondary Art is “This inspires me!”.
The entry may take the form of a photograph, drawing or painting (digital or manual). Create an artwork that demonstrates a little bit about you – something you like, something you are good at or something that inspires you – some unique aspect of who you are and what makes you excited about life. It may be a literal representation or you could choose to represent the theme more abstractly.
Please give submissions online at tonia.burgess@hcc.vic.edu.au or directly to Mrs Tonia Burgess in the art room by 4:00pm on Friday 21 October.
Cookery Brief
The challenge is to cook and create a decorated cupcake.
The student needs to present a single cupcake to be judged.
It should be colourful and creative.
It needs to be presented nicely (e.g. on a special plate). Think creatively!
Take a photo and submit it to Mrs Laurene Weichman at laurene.weichman@hcc.vic.edu.au by 4:00pm on Friday 21 October.
Primary cupcake challenge theme: Circus.
Secondary cupcake challenge theme: Summer/Tropical.
We are looking forward to an exciting week showcasing our students’ creativity.
Jenny Fairweather
Head of Faculty
Arts & Design Technology/Head of Music