From the Executive Principal's Desk

As we close the book on yet another term at Heatherton Christian College, we now begin to look ahead to the numerous annual events that involve celebration and reflection on the year. We also look ahead to a new year with new opportunities.
Often, for a typical student in primary school, there may be grand and exciting plans for the future. Many a child as young as 6 or 7 years old have told me about their future career plans of becoming a doctor, an engineer, a builder, an astronaut, or an athlete but often the future becomes somewhat less clear as students progress through the secondary years. My philosophy on this is that no matter how little we know about our future pathways, the important thing to remember is that we need to learn new skills and gain knowledge to get there, and even more importantly, if we spend time with Jesus, He will guide our steps.
The future career or calling of a student can be thought of as a series of doors somewhere in the distance and at some point, the child will arrive at one or more of these doors. On arrival, the student will have the choice to open a door. Some of these doors may be unlocked and some may even be ajar. However, some may be locked. My advice to students over the years is to do their very best to grasp every learning opportunity because this will affect how many of those doors up ahead are unlocked or open for them and how many remain locked. These doors represent opportunities for future jobs, vocations, or ministries and I am sure you will agree that it is a good outcome to have numerous doors unlocked and ready to open should they wish to turn the handle and push.
Ultimately, we all face uncertainty, and the future can often be unclear to us. However, the words of the apostle Paul in chapter 2 of his letter to the Ephesians can bring a strong sense of security to us, “This is the result. You are no longer foreigners or strangers. No: you are fellow citizens with God’s holy people. You are members of God’s household. You are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with King Jesus himself as the cornerstone.” These words speak of who we are in Christ. To realise that I am a member of God’s household is enough for me to know that regardless of the uncertainties we face, God is right by my side and He is right by every student’s side at Heatherton Christian College.
I pray that you all have a refreshing break and I look forward to our experiences together as we enter the final stages of 2022.
Grace and Peace
Damian Higgins
Executive Principal