
I have just read an article by Dr Justin Coulson which outlined the value of helping our children understand the importance of doing good - loving thy neighbour.


Mary  guided a young Jesus, we too need to guide children through age-appropriate opportunities. 


The article mentioned the following five ways for this to be achieved: 


1. Role model helpfulness and kindness. Children and teenagers learn to be helpful and kind by copying the significant adults in their lives. 


2. Encourage your children to perform small acts of kindness. Being kind, giving a compliment, helping to tidy up- these small acts are just as powerful and effective as larger tasks such as mowing the lawn for a neighbour. 


3. Make 'helping' a family project. Get your kids involved when you take a meal to a family who have just had a new baby, or visit a sick friend in the hospital. 


4. Be a good neighbour. Help your kids learn to keep an eye on others, whether it is a neighbour, or a boy on their sports team. Teaching your kids to notice what's going on in the lives of people in their community promotes awareness and empathy. 


5. Be grateful. Expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to do good. In fact, nothing can improve your life (and the life of others) like gratitude. (Helping kids feel good by doing good)


 Dr Justin Coulson, 2019