Early Learning Centre

Vacancies available at our ELC for children 3 years and over. 

$95 per day -Less your Child Care Subsidy eligibility. 

You can contact the ELC or pop in for a visit. 

Phone: 9704 6313 - Option ELC

Email: elc@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au



What is happening in the ELC

Our Learning

Throughout this fortnight, the children have been undertaking learning in the following areas:


  • Exploring story books and looking at how stories and messages can be told
  • Exploring storytelling through dramatisation and puppetry
  • Listening and reflecting on stories; Who? What? When? Where? Why?
  • Continuing to express ourselves through art and different mediums
  • Children’s sign in sheets 
  • Alphabet and number charts and first dictionaries on offer at the drawing table and STEM table
  • Ordering numbers from 1 to 10
  • Using objects to experiment with floating and sinking
  • Observing how our health and hygiene practices can have an impact through an experiment with bread over a two week period, using three zip lock bags and three different approaches (clean hands, dirty hands and tongs) as mould grows.
  • Seeing how the sun moves throughout the day and documenting the change in shadow on an object 
  • Children to share their understanding and consolidate their learning; Where does light come from? Why do we need light?
Social & emotional learning
  • Children have continued to use the Zones of Regulation and place their images on the coloured zones as they feel different emotions
  • Continued to implement calming techniques and use the calm down spaces
  • Explore the concept of gratitude, through stories and guided meditation

News and Reminders

  • Footy Day (Bluebell, Bilby and Koala Group 15th Sep, Bluebell, Wombat and Joeys 16th Sep) 

Celebration of Learning 

Exploring floating and sinking
Making numbers with playdough and ordering numbers
Exploring number recognition and ordering from 1 to 10
Observational drawing and painting
Exploring floating and sinking
Making numbers with playdough and ordering numbers
Exploring number recognition and ordering from 1 to 10
Observational drawing and painting