Big Sister Club

"Many hands make light work."

Big Sister Club (Maths, English & Science homework/study club) is one of the extra-curricular at Brigidine, where the little sisters (junior students) can get help with Maths, English & Science during lunchtime. The big sisters (senior students) from Year 10 – 12 volunteer their time to help and tutor the little sisters on a weekly basis.  We are very fortunate and grateful for the true “Strength & Gentleness” displayed by our senior students. They are very generous with their time, engaging, patient, nurturing and caring for our junior students. These partnerships prove to benefit both students in many different ways. The knowledge and skills, they pass to the junior students, strengthen their own knowledge and skills required in their senior studies.


Big Sister is now located in the library, which is easily accessible by all students, every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtime. Anyone can get help from the big sisters in the area of Mathematics, English and Science. Just come to the library and let us know what you need help with.


As the assessment tasks are fast approaching, it is not too late to ask for help in preparation for the upcoming Task 3. 


Maya Mabey 

In Charge of Big Sister Program