Compass Attendance 

This is a gentle reminder to parents/carers, about the importance of logging student absences on Compass. This is a Department of Education requirement. 


If your child is absent from school or is going to be absent in the future (for example a planned family holiday), it is important that this absence is logged via Compass. 


Attached is a parent guide to using compass. 


If you have any problems logging into compass or figuring out how to add an attendance note, please call our office on 9481 0009, Bridgette and Donna can help you with resetting your password or walk you through the steps to log an absence

Alternatively if you are having further difficulties with Compass and are unable to log the absence, you can provide Bridgette or Donna an explanation over the phone and they can log it for you. 


We understand that sometimes we forget, or things come up and you haven't been able to log an absence, so in times when an absence has not been logged, Bridgette and Donna will give you a call to follow up. 


As a reminder, if a student is marked absent an email from Compass will be sent to parents/carers at 10.00am on the day of the absence, asking for it to be logged on Compass. 


Many thanks in anticipation of your cooperation in this matter.