Teaching and Learning

Achieving Strategic Success in Teaching and Learning

This year is the final year of our four year Strategic Plan which has seen a range of significant achievements in Teaching and Learning. This article aims to share with you these achievements and celebrate together. 


What is teaching and learning and how do we improve?

Teaching and Learning has two main parts, curriculum which is the learning and pedagogy which is the teaching. As teachers, we strive to provide a high quality curriculum that is built on high expectations, is highly rigorous and consistently delivered. The school’s SABRE (Starter – Aim – Body – Review – Evaluate) Instructional Model structures each lesson in a consistent manner. Every year, teachers engage in professional learning about pedagogy with particular emphasis on differentiating the learning to cater for the diverse range of learners that are present in every classroom. Our theme of Learn – Grow – Connect provided a platform to adapt to changing circumstances and grow as a school community. 


What were the highlights?

Teachers have consistently worked to strengthen the curriculum to guarantee its viability. Students need to participate in the learning and complete the set tasks to achieve success. All students complete a range of tasks in each subject which comply and align with the Victorian Curriculum or the Victorian Certificate of Education. Teachers provide authentic assessment, both summative and formative, with targeted feedback. Students are encouraged to respond to the feedback by reflecting on their learning and setting future learning goals. 


Curriculum provisioning has changed to having longer periods each lesson. This provides teachers with a greater opportunity to move through stages of SABRE, more scope to engage in deeper learning, more time for VCE classes, and less transitions. As part of this change, the Year 9 elective program was created, students now choose from a range of Arts and Technologies electives which are published in the handbook each year. Students have benefitted from this by providing them with more agency, more time to think and a greater range of choices. 


This year saw the return of opportunities to engage with the wider community. This is an essential component of Teaching and Learning as it allows students to connect with people and places beyond the classroom. Students love connecting with other places and many subjects this year organised events, camps, fieldwork or excursions. 


What happens next?

I am proud to have served the whole school community during the past four years as Teaching and Learning Leader. I wish to thank you for your ongoing support as this made these successes possible. Best wishes for future success.  


Clinton Chiumello

Teaching and Learning Leader