Faith and Mission

Social Outreach

Vinnies Christmas Hampers

A big thank you to all of our community members for the generous donations of food products for Christmas Hampers.  The St Vincent de Paul chapter in Riverstone will be collecting the Hampers this Friday and will be distributing the hampers to people in the local area in the next week.

Thank you to the efforts of various students and teachers across the College in collecting and making the Hampers.  This has been a great opportunity to put Faith into Action to help those in the community who need some help at this time of year.


Advent Liturgy

A warm invitation is extended to all families within our community to attend our Christmas Liturgy on Wednesday, December 14 at 11.15 am.  

Deacon Tony Hoban will celebrate with us as we tell the story of the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.  We hope that with music and scripture we will be able to bring this great story to life for our College community.

All are welcome to attend!!



Faith Community Christmas Carols - Saturday December 10th from 6.30 pm

“O Come, all Ye faithful!”

The St Luke’s Faith Community is again hosting Christmas Carols in the Marketplace of St Luke’s on December 10 from 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm.

Everyone is invited to attend.

There will be food and drinks for sale and prize draws.

Come along and join the festive spirit!!



World Youth Day  - Portugal 2023

World Youth Day is a gathering of young people from all over the world with the Pope, a celebration of youth, an expression of the universal Church and an intense moment of evangelisation for the youth of the world.

World Youth Day 2023 features the theme “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39) – the third chapter in Pope Francis’ Marian-based themes for World Youth Day.

Bishop Vincent will head the 180 strong pilgrims from the Parramatta Diocese as they travel through France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.  Bishop Vincent explained that for young people, World Youth Day has a “profound impact on their relationship with Jesus, their prayer life, their lived mission and their relationships with others.”

“In this post-pandemic world, I see a great need for bringing young people intentionally together in formation and community towards this ‘mountain-top’ experience, knowing that its fruits are years in the making well beyond a return to their school, parish, professional and personal lives,” he said.

We would like to congratulate Althea Dela Cruz and Bryce Vinensig of Year 10 on being selected as pilgrims for World Youth Day in Portugal next year.  Also Miss D’Mello who currently teaches in Stage 2 has also been selected as a Teacher Pilgrim, Congratulations!!

We wish them well!!


Week 6

Social Outreach

Vinnies Christmas Hampers

This year, as previously communicated,  we are again inviting all families to join in and make a difference to people’s lives, by donating food items to be made into Christmas Hampers and donated to St Vincent de Paul.  These hampers allow  people in our local community to feel the Joy of Christmas.

With 2.2 million people currently living below the poverty line in Australia, including over half a million children, your support allows the St Vincent de Paul Society to provide more than immediate help, it provides something much more valuable - the opportunity for a better life.

Please send all products to your child’s classroom where they will be collected and made into a Christmas Hampers for those in need at Christmas time.

We will be asking for donations of non-perishable food products so we can make up hampers for Christmas for the month of November.  To uphold the dignity of those receiving the goods, please ensure that all food items are not due to expire for 6 months.  All items must be non-perishable.  Food donations can include (but are not limited to) the following:

CELC Christmas Pudding/Fruit Cake/Mince Pies

ES1 - Kanga’s  Christmas Pudding

ES1 - Roo’s Fruit Cake

Stage 1 - Glinda’s Castle Tea/Coffee  

Stage 1 - Wizards World Long life milk

Stage 1 - Lions Den Milo 

Stage 1 - Tinman Forest Sweet Biscuits 

Stage 2 - Gringotts Pancake Mix/Mince Pies

Stage 2 - Hogwarts Jam/Vegemite/Honey

Stage 2 - Magicians Tins of Fruit/Jelly

Stage 2 - Diagon Alley Custard/Pancake Mix

Stage 3 - Acutis                  Soft drink/Cordial/Juice

Stage 3 - Freeman            Savoury Biscuits

Stage 3 - Malala                   Muesli Bars/Breakfast Cereals

Stage 3 - Riley          Tin Ham/Tuna

Year 7 - Navy                     Pasta and Pasta Sauce

Year 7 - White Couscous and Rice

Year 7 - Teal          Cooking Sauces/Muesli Bars

Year 8 - Navy                     Tinned Vegetables/Potato Chips

Year 8 - White Tuna/Tinned Vegetables

Year 8 - Teal              Tinned Ham/Tinned VegetablesYear 9.1 Chocolates and ConfectionaryYear 9.2 Chocolates and Confectionary

Year 10                       Muesli Bars

Year 12                     Xmas Bon Bons

Donations are being collected daily up to and including Wednesday December 7, 2022.

Faith Community Christmas Carols - Save the Date!

“O Come, all Ye faithful!”

The St Luke’s Faith Community is again hosting Christmas Carols in the Marketplace of St Luke’s on December 10 from 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm.

Everyone is invited to attend.

There will be food and drinks for sale and prize draws.

Come along and join the festive spirit!!


Week 3

Social Outreach

Vinnies Christmas Hampers

This year St Luke’s will again be supporting our local Vinnies chapter by providing Christmas Hampers for families in the local community doing it tough this Christmas.  

To do this we ask for families to donate specific food/Christmas items.  On this link you will find the required products for each class. Students are asked to take their donations directly to their classrooms where they will find a tub to place them.

To uphold the dignity of those receiving the goods, please ensure that all food items are not due to expire for 6 months.  All items must be non-perishable.

Vinnies Van - Sandwiches

This month our Vinnies group had the privilege to make and donate their second round of sandwiches for those in need in our society. This deed saw our Vinnies group grow with more students joining to put their faith into action! 

Foodbank Volunteers

On Monday this week a small group of year 10 students committed to a volunteering experience at the local Foodbank. Students and accompanying teachers packed Christmas hampers to be sent out to all families finding this time of the year difficult. For our few hours of effort, 430 Christmas hampers were packed, meaning we made a difference in 430 families' lives this Christmas. 

We were extremely proud of the generous attitude of our students. Although it was physically exhausting, each worked together as a team. 6450 kilos of food was packed for NSW families!


Last Tuesday we gathered as a whole school to celebrate the Feast day of our patron saint, St Luke. The theme of the liturgy was “A picture is worth a thousand words” which was in dedication to St Luke as the patron saint of artists. Students across the school from kindergarten to year 12 shared their reflections on how we can show God’s love through the beauty of the world around us and through the creative arts. It was a reverent and heartfelt celebration of our community showcasing some of our extremely talented artists, the beauty of God’s creation and the message that God loves us.

We have a number of liturgies coming up that parents are warmly invited to attend:

  • Wednesday 2nd November - Stage 2 Liturgy 2:00pm - 2:30pm 
  • Wednesday 16th November- Early Stage 1 Liturgy 12:00pm - 12:30pm
  • Wednesday 23rd November - Stage 1 Liturgy - 2:00pm - 2:30pm
  • Thursday 8th December -Stage 3 ‘Year 6 Thanksgiving Liturgy’ 8:45am - 9:30am (followed by morning tea with parents)

Keep your eye on Compass for invitations to attend these celebrations closer to the event dates.


School of Foundations

Early Stage 1

In Early Stage One students are exploring what their needs and wants are. They looked through the catalogs to identify what are things that we need and things that we want. They will then create a care package for a 12 year old girl living in Mozambique that will include her needs and some of the things that she wants. 

Stage One

In Stage One students have been exploring different kinds of prayers. They explored the literal, spiritual and application sense of the Bible passage about the Lord's prayer. They will then apply this to ways that they can pray. 

Stage 2

Stage 2 have been exploring the Bible passage ‘Jesus sends out the twelve’. They explored the literal, spiritual and application sense of this Bible passage. 


School of Leadership

Stage 3 

Stage 3 students are investigating how we can show prayer through Art. As our entry event we experienced a prayer walk where students took a walk around St Luke's for 15 minutes in complete silence to develop the awareness of God by consciously looking, listening, feeling and appreciating all the natural wonders that God has put on this Earth. - Mrs Cuneen and Mr Wicks

In Religious Education for Stage Three, we have been learning about the ways in which students can represent their understanding of their own spirituality through art. Students explored the St Lukes Catholic College grounds to find something that resonated with them spiritually, and represented how they connected with what they saw through an artwork. The students were reverent during their journey through the school yard, along with during their time creating their sketches and completed works. Here are some of their first artistic representations. 

- Ms Passmore and Mr Stevens


Stage 4

Year 7

In this Learning Cycle, students will understand the importance of Incarnation using the Scripture and Church teachings. They will explore how discipleship in Church’s history was inspired by faith, prayer, worship and mission. Applying the concept of Incarnational Spirituality, students will delve deeper to know how the presence of God is made real in today’s world so that they can inform, influence and inspire others around them. They will complete the artifacts to respond to this term’s driving question.


Year 8

In this Learning Cycle, students will explore areas of life where peace is both absent and present. They will use sacraments, Scripture and personal experiences to understand authentic peace in order to cultivate inner peace and promote external peace. Students will identify war and conflicts in our world to find how Jesus’ teachings can promote reconciliation and healing.  They will choose a creative format to complete the Peace Prayer Pack to demonstrate how they can apply their head, heart and hands In their daily lives.

School of Entrepreneurs

Year 9

Our year 9 students have started this term to look at ‘Care for our Common Home’ wheer cureenlty they are looking at the importance of this from a global and local perspective.  We hope to by the end of this term advocate through social media for marginalised communities in our local area.

Year 10 

Currently our Year 10 students are looking at pray through the perspective of the Lex Orandi Axiom.  This basically says “So we pray, so we believe, so we live”.  Students have watched sections of the movie Bruce Almighty to see Bruce’s development in prayer, belief and life to see the Lex Orandi Axiom in practice.  We look forward to seeing students in future weeks determining how prayer helps individuals to flourish in their lives as well as discerning whether prayer is an important factor in their lives.

Year 10 Accelerated Studies of Religion 1

In week 6 we will have a number of our current year 10 students who nominated to start an accelerated version of Studies of Religion 1 begin  their HSC journey.  We wish them well as they begin!! 

Year 12 Accelerated Studies of Religion 1

We congratulate our current Year 12 Studies of Religion 1 students who yesterday sat their first HSC exam.  This class completed an accelerated version of the course over a one year period. We wish them well!!