Principal's Message

St Luke's... "nurturing faith filled, curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world."

This week has seen many culminating and milestone activities throughout the school.


Stage 3 yesterday had a thanksgiving liturgy to give thanks to their parents, teachers and others as they finish what we traditionally call “primary school”. The theme of the Liturgy was “oh the places you go” based on the book by Dr Suess. The book gives a meaningful message about the importance of seizing new opportunities, keeping an open-mind, and trying new things. This was connected by Deacon Tony with a homily that spoke to “God wants you to be the best you can be”.


I am reminded with this of our school vision “to nurture faith children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world”. There are two important words here that are sometimes skipped over that are very important: to become.


The aim of all adults working with young people, from carers, teachers, teacher assistants and support staff is to support students in their becoming- meeting their potential. This is done not only through those significant life-changing moments - it’s done in the every day small decisions and discussions that happen every day. These incremental moments work to change lives and become the ongoing habits that we use every day


Lao Tzu, said….Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


This reminds us that while our students have many years ahead of them…their "becoming" in order to fulfil their potential starts early on.


Our year 8’s end the School of Leadership and as part of their culminating event they present to guests a summary of their strengths, interests and motivation and a draft life purpose statement.  Many of our guests were astounded at the maturity of our students and their ability to articulate what they were good at and how they can use this to make an impact on others in the future.


Throughout year 7 and 8 students spend a significant amount of time in examining who they are and what they can do, with a strengths based focus. One of the very special programs at St Luke’s, Life design is intended to give the students an understanding of who they are, what they can do and what problems they can solve. In many schools, many students at that age find it difficult to articulate what their strengths are, and many have not heard from others what they are good at.  It is with great pride that some of the things that I heard this week were: I’m a carer, this means that I am empathetic and I seek to make others lives better.  I’m thinking about concreting as a career because one day I want to drive past a hospital and say “I had a contribution to that”


This program is due to ongoing work over the years by Mrs Viney and our Innerzone Coaches, as well as Mrs Corbin, Ms Chand, Mrs Villarosa, Mr Jones, Mrs Galvin.  This week then Year 8 are attending Luna Park and Raging Waters as a celebration for the end of year.


Year 10 are enjoying their end of year celebrations next week with Lirurgy and cables water park excursion in recognition of the end of year 10- another milestone moment where students transition to senior school next year.


Next week also brings us to the end of the year with student led conferences. Students and teachers have been busily working to prepare a presentation for their parents and teachers to showcase their learning for the year.


As we come to the end of the first full year of teaching in the past three (no COVID shutdowns), I’d like to thank the community for their support over the past year,  but more specifically the past ten weeks for their ongoing congratulations, support and encouragement of myself within the role of principal.


As we head towards the holiday period, I wish everyone a safe and holy Christmas whether they be here in Marsden Park, or travelling.