Social Justice News......


What a busy but exciting time the social justice team have had towards the end of the year. We have been taking action to make a difference to the lives of those in need.

We joined with the Mini Vinnies teams from St Mary’s and St Brendan’s to make Christmas Hampers to bring joy and hope so everyone in our community could enjoy the Christmas season. We are so grateful for all your donations and we were able to make 50 hampers. Please think of the happiness you will have brought to families.


Last week we joined with our school choir to participate in a Christmas liturgy at Annie’s Court.  We sang Christmas songs and performed a version of “The 12 Days of Christmas.” We had a wonderful time mixing with the residents and staff.


To finish off our day, we sang Christmas songs in the Red Hill Bakery. 


It was such a wonderful day and we were so happy to spread Christmas joy and hope. 

We thank you for all your generous donations and support throughout the year.


Merry Christmas from the Social Justice Team.