Principal's News


District Swimming

Last Friday we had our first sports event in a long time where children from Holy Family competed against other schools at zone swimming. This is the beginning of our children being able to compete against other schools and being able to attend sports events away from school. Thank you to Elke Hayen and Julie Feddersen for supporting the students on the day and to Simone Crist for driving the bus. Congratulations to the children who attended.


2021 Camp

Tomorrow, Thursday, March 4 at 5 pm we are having our 2021 camp meeting in the school library. This year the camp experience will be for students in years four, five and six. I have taken year four children to camp many times in the past, and I know that they will experience learning in different and exciting ways.


Attending camp for the first time can seem like a challenge for children and their families.  At camp, children will be exposed to a range of activities that they may not have tried before. Often when children are not under the direction of their parents or carers they will be more adventurous and will be willing to have a go at things that they may not have tried before.


Camp is a great opportunity to develop these skills, however, often the thought of sleeping away from home can cause anxiety for children and their parents. Common worries about camp include:


What happens if I can’t sleep?
What happens if I don’t like the food?
Who will I share a cabin with?
What will happen if I don’t enjoy the activities?
What will happen if I feel homesick?


Although these concerns are valid it is important to help kids feel positive about the experience. Children pick up on any anxiety that parents have and will emulate these feelings. Our staff are very experienced when dealing with all of these areas and will contact you if necessary.


Should your child still be worried about the camp experience it would be beneficial to talk with them about their fears and worries and help them to look forward to the experience. 

Camp has many benefits for the children attending such as;


Social skills

Great opportunities exist to develop a wide range of social skills that strengthen established relationships with peers and develop new ones. Activities planned involve team cooperation such as sweeping and tidying the cabins, helping around mealtimes or team-building exercises on the low ropes and personal challenges on other activities.


Independence skills

For some children school camp may be their first time away from home where they have to remember to brush their teeth or finish the vegetables on their plate. Camp provides an opportunity for kids to take care of themselves by appreciating the importance of interaction and connections to the physical world. Most children rise to this challenge, they enjoy this newfound independence and recognise the need to look after themselves, each other and their environment.


Team building and development of leadership and decision-making skills

Camp leaders and teachers are active participants in all aspects of camp life and it would not be successful if this was not the case. However, children will often be expected to take on leadership roles and work together as a team to encourage positive decision making.


Encouragement of physical fitness and active lifestyles

During camp, children will be exposed to a variety of experiences. These experiences are active and facilitate learning in a variety of forms, providing a greater awareness of skills and capabilities that may be new for many.


Personal challenges

At camp, children will be exposed to a range of activities that they may not have tried before. They will be encouraged to participate in activities by their group members and staff but the final decision is theirs. 

Camp is a great opportunity to develop all of these skills and more and children after being on their first camp can't wait for the next. 


Don't forget that after the camp meeting there will be a Reconciliation workshop for students in years 4 and 5 wishing to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation this year.




Steve Twomey
