
Maths Pathways

The 2021 school year has started very positively for the newest members of the Mater Dei community, that being our Year 7 students. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome them, our new parents/carers, as well as those who already have children at the College. 


Mathematics in Stage 4 at Mater Dei looks very different to how they have learnt the subject before. All Year 7 students will be studying Mathematics using the Maths Pathway program. To prepare them for this, all students have just been through a transitional program called a ‘Week of Inspirational Mathematics’. During this week, students have been shown a variety of important aspects of how they will be encountering Mathematics. More specifically, this has included:

Each of the three sessions of the ‘Week of Inspirational Mathematics’ concluded with an activity that involved the students working mathematically. 


Today parents/carers will be sent a video of the purpose, structure and inner workings of the Maths Pathway program. I highly recommend that you watch this video as it will give you a basic outline of how the system works and why we have implemented it at the College. 


Below is a brief outline of what some of the students have been up to recently with their Mathematical learning:



The first and most important aspect of Maths Pathway is for students to complete diagnostics. This allows teachers to build a detailed picture of exactly what the students know or are yet to learn. Diagnostics also ensure that the work that the students are set is challenging, yet achievable. 




Modules are the set activities that students complete during their fortnightly learning cycles. Students are set 6 modules to complete every two weeks, however, are encouraged to complete more if they are able. The modules that students are working on are determined by the level of understanding shown in their diagnostics. 




Students will have two books that they will bring with them each lesson. 

Book 1- Workbook: Students use this book to write down the questions and fully worked solutions. 

Book 2- Learning Log Book: This is the place for students to place their notes from each of the modules. It may include formulas, definitions, diagrams, worked examples and tips and tricks that the students have learnt. 


Parents/Carers Dashboard

Parents/carers will have full access to all of the work that their child completes using the Maths Pathway program. In the coming week, all parents/carers should receive a handout from their child which details how to log into the program. The features include a detailed list of all of the modules that have been completed, a snapshot of their progress during their recent test cycle which includes the key indicators of growth, effort and accuracy and a Curriculum Grid, which shows the students current understanding of the mathematical content in the curriculum. 

We thank you for your continued support, and if you have any questions I would recommend that you either attend the Parent/Carers Zoom session that will be organised later in Term 1 or make contact with your child’s classroom teacher via email.


Mr Kurt McPherson | KLA Leader of Mathematics