
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

Our scheduled Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews will be commencing this term.  A decision has been made to conduct these as “Zoom Interviews”.  The main reason for this is to provide certainty for all stakeholders, given the uncertainty surrounding possible COVID restrictions, that we have no control over.  


We conducted our Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews via the Zoom platform in the second half of 2020 and believed it allowed for effective feedback and conversation to occur.


Parents will receive a notification approximately two weeks prior with information about how to book interviews.


Upcoming key dates are:

YearTerm/WeekDate/Time FrameInterview Time


Year 7Term 1, Week 7

Tuesday 9 March


5 minutes
Year 11Term 1, Week 9

Tuesday 23 March


7 minutes
Year 12Term 2, Week 2

Tuesday 27 April


7 minutes
Year 8-10 # 1Term 2, Week 4

Tuesday 11 May


5 minutes
Year 8-10 # 2Term 2, Week 5

Wednesday 19 May


5 minutes


Mr Laurie Fitzpatrick | Leader of Curriculum