There is no greater force on earth, than your will. So if you ever really want to achieve something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse’ Pat Farmer.


Within PDHPE lessons, students are continually challenged to take time to think about their lifestyle choices and their goals. Students are encouraged to write down their goals and take time to plan the steps they will take, in order to achieve them. Is this something you could encourage your child to think about? Perhaps they might like to engage in some practice for the upcoming Athletics Carnival and Cross Country which will be held in weeks 9 and 10! 


This Term in theory lessons, Year 7 explore the unit ‘Change and Relationships’ and are participating in practical activities including Athletics, Gymnastics and Target games. Last week many Year 7 and 9 students traveled to the Jubilee Park Athletics track to practice and record their Long and Triple jump. It was great to see all students having a go and trying to improve.


Year 8 are focusing on the unit ‘Movement Skill and Performance’. Within this unit they will film themselves performing a specialised movement skill and evaluate their ability to perform that skill. They are playing European Handball early in the term and later on will participate in some Cross Country running practice in practical lessons. 


Year 9 students explore many ideas around the unit ‘Respectful relationships’ and Year 10 are focusing on the unit ‘Physical activity and me’. 


Year 10 students will participate in a collaborative Assessment Task, where they will work together to create a group community fitness event that is engaging for young people and is able to address community health needs. We look forward to seeing the innovative ideas students will come up with!


Year 11 Sports Leisure and Recreation (SLR) have been enjoying their COVID safe visits to the Gym Snap Fitness and the Year 9 Interest Elective class; Ninja Warriors are looking forward to visiting CrossFit Victus this week to delve into the world of strength training at CrossFit.

Photos: Year 9 Outdoor Ed students have been busy learning their knot tying skills and Mrs Curran’s Year 10 Child Studies enjoyed discovering what types of play equipment was on offer at Apex Park.


Mrs Bernadette Priest | Assistant PDHPE KLA  Leader