Learning and Teaching

Art Smocks


This year each student will need their own art smock.  Could you please check with your child and organise one if they have not got one, or their old one does not fit anymore.  You don’t necessarily need a bought one, as an old shirt that fits over their uniform is acceptable.  

Thank you. 


Art Teacher


LS3 Senior News

This week the Seniors have been focusing on their 'Maths Talk'.  When students talk and discuss their maths they work on their ability to share and discuss their strategies for solving problems. It gives them the opportunity to make observations, pose questions and express their uncertainties. 


LS2 Senior News


We, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners.”

- Pope Francis to Congress


The Senior students in Learning Space 2 have been exploring the causes and the reasons why people migrated to Australia from other countries. 


This has provided them with opportunities to engage in learning about the Inquiry Cycle process, find out how the Catholic community encourages belonging and use graphic organisers to sort out factual information. 


The students have also been articulating their own questions to inquire into:


Why is Australia called the lucky country? (Alec)

Can we be impacted by other countries? (Zoe)

How does people moving impact me? (Chloe)


Friday March 5th, 2021

9.15 – 10.45 Seniors

12.35 – 1.30 Juniors

This year due to current COVID restrictions, we have unfortunately had to make the decision to have our House Sports Competition on Friday March 5th during the day. Senior races will run during their normal sports time from 9.15 – 10.45 and junior races will run from 12.35 – 1.30. 


Home Group Teachers would have informed any new students, including Foundation students of their House. They have also reminded other students of their Houses. If you have any queries about Houses please email your Home Group Teacher.

Students will be required to wear their sports uniform on Friday as they will be running, but we hope that they will wear a t-shirt that is in their house colour and wear other accessories such as hats, scarves… in their house colour.


Teresa House - Blue 

MacKillop House – Yellow

Bosco House – Red

Patrick House – Green


Students will be sitting with their houses under their house marquee, supervised by staff. Those that come 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th will be awarded points for their House and we will also be giving out points to the House who supports their House the most. An assembly will be held at the end of the day, to announce the House winners for the house sports award and the house spirit award.


We are very grateful to Parents and Friends who will still provide sausages/vegetarian options to the students. Please ensure your form has been filled in and returned to school for your child to receive their sausage.


Lulli and Giuliana





This week our Juniors have been focussing on cricket for PE and in particular throwing and catching. As you can see they were having a great time!!


This year we have been lucky enough to receive funding through the Sporting Schools Program. As a result we are able to offer our Juniors Basketball Clinics run by a coach, AJ organised by Casey Basketball Association. Students started their clinics this week and as you can see are enjoying their sessions. Each Home Group will have 3 more sessions before the end of the year in Week 6, 7and 9.



Giuliana & Lulli