Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special. 


This fortnight some of the children in Year One, would like to share their thoughts about the recent lockdown and Amaya has written about her very own Nian monster.



Amaya (1C) – My Very Own Nian Monster


Nian has sharp, pointy fangs and spiky blue hair. He or she, has sharp pointy claws that could pop out when it wants to. Nian has a fat body and light yellow skin and a wet sniffily nose. He or she has pink cheeks but is very fearless. Nian has googly eyes.



Lockdown Reflections:


I felt sad because I couldn’t see my friends and my teacher. I wanted to see my teacher and friends. By Veer (1A)
When I am doing home learning, I feel happy because learning makes me happy because I do fun learning. By Jessica (1A)
Learning at home was good because school was closed. By Ahmad (1A)
I was feeling happy during learning from home because I could manage my time for learning. I could also do my learning properly and neatly. By Saheli (1A)
I missed my friends because I like to play with them at every play time. Also, it is so much fun to play outside. By Chloe (1A)
I was sad because I didn’t see my teacher and my friends. I couldn’t play with my friends and learn with my teacher. By Tianna (1A)