Year 6 Sport for Class 6B

This term the grade 6’s, have the opportunity to participate in the Summer Sports Round Robin. This is a sporting tournament where the grade 6’s around the Glen Waverley community compete against each other through a respectful and competitive fun competition. Year 6 sports is a combination of 5 different sports, which are; Hot-Shot tennis, Softball, Tee-ball, Danish Rounders and T20 Cricket. As year 6’s, we are looking forward to be able to compete against other schools in our community. We are really excited and hope to have a great time. 


We asked a few of our peers from 6B two questions, 1) what are you looking forward to about year 6 sport? And 2) How will year 6 sport impact your mindset? 

Here is what a few participants from 6B have to say: 

Diti: I am looking forward to meeting different students and become more resilient in competitive games. 
Ryan: I am looking forward to playing against other schools and meeting other children. This is an opportunity to grow my sportsmanship. 
Saseni: I am looking forward to trying out different sports with a variety of students and developing my confidence in sports. 
Manula: I am looking forward to making friends with other students from other schools and be more active with new sports. 
Teeyasha: I am looking forward to working together with my peers and think about others perspective in a sporting event. 
Jordan: I am looking forward to meeting new people from other schools and thinking thoroughly how to represent my school.