Learning Hub and Wellbeing Update

'The Hub has become a real asset in our school, highly valued by staff and students alike.'

Meet the team - Dimity, Amy and Barb

We have a terrific team of educators in our Learning Hub, facilitating many and varied programs and levels of support and learning enrichment. Our Wellbeing team are always available to our families for supporting social emotional wellbeing, engagement in learning, counselling and social skills support and connecting students with additional curriculum and timetable support. The Learning Hub is also a warm, quiet and inviting space for students to come and collaborate across classes and to celebrate their independence by acknowledging their need to work alone or with peers.

What's been happening in the hub?

H U B   N E W S



 The Hub has been a hive of activity over the last two weeks. We have had many students visiting for many reasons and it always makes the Hub staff so happy to see the students engaged in their learning, using the alternative seating to help them stay focused or having some time in the Take-a-Break zone to help them learn valuable self-regulation strategies. 

We have had a lot of our senior students using the Hub space to work in small groups and on independent tasks. Being able to use the Hub for this purpose is a great stepping stone into high school as it helps them to transition easily between classrooms and work collaboratively with their peers on set tasks. 

They have also been enjoying using our new seating options throughout the Hub. 

The standing desk is definitely a favourite!!!!!

Students in our younger grades have been participating in literacy intervention programs with lots of hands on, fun ways to learn their letters. 




What's coming to the hub?


We are very excited to announce that this year the Hub will be having students participate in Enrichment Programs.

To begin our Enrichment journey we will be using an online program provided by G.A.T.E.WAYS. G.A.T.E.WAYS is in its 27th year specialising in providing challenging and inspiring programs for highly-able, gifted and talented learners.

We are very excited to begin this and we are looking forward to other Enrichment programs throughout the year. 


We love when our students leave us messages on our very popular whiteboard tables. This clever student designed what the Hub website could look like. 

‘The Hub - where people help kids’