Year 7 Ecolinc Excursion

by Mrs Jo Ham


What’s in a plant cell? 

Is it Spirogyra? 

How do plants get nutrients and water out of the ground to their leaves? 


The Year 7 students investigated these questions and more when they visited Ecolinc on Monday the 22nd of February. It was an immersive day of learning, with the focus being microscopes, preparing slides for viewing, and all the benefits that being able to view things at a microscopic level bring.

They learnt how to use scientific binocular microscopes to see organelles in cells, and applied staining techniques to their slides. There was an emphasis on correct scientific techniques throughout the entire day, from correct scientific drawings and labelling them, to understanding how to make a wet mount slide.

The students proved themselves to be an amazing group representing our school, as they were eager to learn, keen to help others, and focussed on what was presented to them. Well done, Year 7s!