Eco Club



Firstly we would love to congratulate the students and teachers involved in taking out some great prizes in the Sustainable Schools Competition. OGPS were the winners of the CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) AWARD as well as winning the plastic recycling workshop!

The team at Southern Ocean Environmental Link prasad our entry and loved watching all the things OGPS is working towards to reduce and repurpose waste production! Just to think we're only just beginning! 

We are so excited to have the SOEL team coming to OGPS to run a Recycling Plastic Workshop and help our staff and students journey to becoming a more sustainable school!



Nude Foods 


We had an interrupted start to the term with lock down, but we hope you are all getting into the swing of 'nude' lunches. Here are some ideas of how you can reduce your waste when looking for lunchbox snacks.


We will continue to give you some helpful tips on how to reduce your packaging when pulling together your daily snacks & lunches.