
Whole School

Every Tuesday & Thursday -  Breakfast Club on Both Campuses - 8:15am

Whole School



Monday 12th - First Day of Term 3




Wednesday 11th - Curriculum Day




Friday 17th - Last Day of Term 3

Friday 17th - School Finishes at 1:15 pm


Secondary Campus



Tuesday 13th - Year 8 Industry Tech Taster - Tech School

Tuesday 13th - Year 7 Girls Netball

Tuesday 13th - Year 7 Boys Football

Monday 19th - Wednesday 21st - Year 9 Tech School- Future of Work Excursion

Wednesday 21st - Friday 23rd - Year 9 Step up to Senior Camp





Monday 2nd - Wednesday 4th - Year 9 Tech School- Future of Work Excursion





Monday 13th - Friday 17th - Year 10 Work Experience

Monday 13th  - Year 7 Industry Tech Taster - Tech School






Primary Campus


Tuesday 13th - Year 1 / 2 Swimming

Friday 16th - Term 2 Awards Presented

Tuesday 20th - Year 1 / 2 Swimming

Friday 23rd - 100 Days of Prep

Tuesday 27th - Year 1 / 2 Swimming



Tuesday 03rd - Year 1 / 2 Swimming

Tuesday 10th - Year 1 / 2 Swimming

Tuesday 17th - Year 1 / 2 Swimming

Friday 20th - Primary District Athletics

Tuesday 24th - Year 1 / 2 Swimming

Friday 27th - Prep Terrific Toy Incursion

Tuesday 31st - Year 1 / 2 Swimming



Wednesday 1st - Friday 3rd - Year 3 / 4 Gundiwindi Camp

Tuesday 7th - Primary Division Athletics

Thursday 9th - Year 5 / 6 Volleyball Gala Day

Wednesday 15th - Year 5 / 6 District Basketball