Assistant Principal's Report

Student Voice Team

Last week we met and discussed some ideas for creating a positive environment for learning, which is a goal we have been focussing on this term. 


A few weeks ago, our team received a letter from a group of students who had suggested the school get a wellbeing dog. This has been brought up with the Student Voice Team previously, and the team were all interested in looking into this further. Paul and I did some research to see what would be involved in having our own wellbeing dog and found that it would be a lengthy and very expensive process. I informed the team that I would look into other options for introducing dogs into the school to support wellbeing and would get back to them with any other alternative options. 


Student Reports

Tomorrow you will be receiving your child’s semester one report. These will be available to view and download from Compass as of Wednesday 23rd June, at 9am.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the teachers for the time spent on ensuring their student reports were informative and accurate. I really enjoy reading the reports and it is wonderful to see how well teachers know their students. After reading reports from all areas of the school, I am so impressed with how much everyone has done already this year, particularly considering we have had two snap lockdowns across the semester!


Last report writing period, teachers had only one term of face-to-face teaching to deliver content, conduct assessments, make judgements on progression levels and write reports. We knew that because of this, the assessment that we conducted in term four was not as thorough as it usually is, so it was really important to us that this semester we were able to gather all the evidence we needed to make these reports as accurate as possible. The remote learning period made this more challenging, however, I am so proud of our teachers for completing them to such a high standard. 


We hope you enjoy reading them – they will be open on Compass from Wednesday 23rd June, at 9am.


School Holidays & Term Three

A reminder that term three will begin for students on Tuesday 13th July. Monday 12th July is a curriculum day, where staff will be planning and preparing for the term ahead. 


I hope that you are all able to spend some quality time with your family and friends these school holidays. Be safe, relax and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 13th July for another amazing term!


~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal