Principal Introduction

Dear Parents and Carers, 


I wanted to wish everyone well over the coming weeks. It has become apparent that our mindset plays a significant role in determining how we respond to the challenges that life presents. As we enter another period of working and learning remotely, it is essential that we keep our eye on the goals and aspirations that have delivered us to the here and now. 


Angela Duckworth suggests that "consistency of effort over the long run is everything" and "Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future day in day out not just for the week, not just for the month but for years and working really hard to make that future a reality".


The educational journey for all of our students is full of obstacles, challenges successes and failures, right now we need to remain focussed on the longer term goals and make sure that we show the grit and determination required to achieve them. Our College is full of talented, passionate and highly capable students and staff, who have been and will continue to work hard to ensure that they reach their goals, no matter the final destination. I am incredibly proud to have watched first hand the commitment dedication and team work of our staff to ensure that students remain focussed during these uncertain times. I encourage all parents and carers to continue to support and challenge students to improve their learning, to persevere during this difficult time; and continue to re-frame and refocus students on their longer term goals and aspirations. 


As a father of three primary school aged children, I have witnessed the challenges that our young people face in this disconnected and uncertain time. The importance of positivity, gratitude, kindness and the celebration of the small but important wins has made a significant difference to their wellbeing and my own. Over the coming weeks we will continue to share ideas for wellbeing and engagement. 


As we reacquaint ourselves with remote learning, I thought it prudent to reaffirm our commitment to students, parents and carers, we are committed to the learning and wellbeing of every student, and are here to assist where we can. I encourage you to make contact with the College when issues arise and support is needed. 


On Friday 23rd July, we are adjusting our schedule for Year 7-10 students, so we can engage with those students who are vulnerable to disengagement and have found the remote learning protocols challenging. We will post a series of engaging and purposeful wellbeing based activities for students via compass, and our Year 7-10 staff will be making personal contact with those students that have been identified as needing support. Year 11 and 12 classes will continue as scheduled for students in Years 10, 11 and 12. 


Our purpose for tomorrow is to

  • Prioritise student wellbeing
  • staying connected on all levels
  • offer the supports available to students
  • identify that this period is challenging for all
  • encourage students, parents and carers to contact us with any concerns.

We care about the wellbeing and learning success of each and every student. 


I wish everyone a safe week ahead and hope that you can find time to be kind to yourself. 


Warm regards, 




Kind regards, 







Dean King-Principal