Assistant Principal's Report

A message from Lea Volpe

Lea Volpe
Lea Volpe

Welcome back to all our students and families and a big welcome to the Year 7s and families. My name is Lea Volpe and I have been an Assistant Principal at Reservoir High School for the last 10 years. It seems like a long time but the time has passed by very quickly as I have really enjoyed working at Reservoir High. The diversity of the school is a real asset of the school and the students are very enthusiastic and respectful. I have gotten to know quite a few families, so I really feel part of the community and I am looking forward to working with all new families.


My role this year is Wellbeing, Engagement and Positive Climate for Learning Assistant Principal. What does this mean? It means that I work with all of the subschools, the Student Wellbeing team, Careers team and the Student Leadership. It is a big role but the school has great teams that I work with and we are  concentrating very much on settling the students back at school after two years of lockdowns.


The students have settled into the new 5 period day, 2 week timetable really well. The students are very settled in the afternoon as it is only one class after lunch. The feedback from students has been positive as well as feedback about our new IMPACT classes. The IMPACT classes are held at each year level. During these classes we run Respectful Relationships, Study Skills, Wellbeing sessions and assemblies. What this means is that we are not interrupting other classes to run these vital sessions.


My other role at Reservoir High School is as the Child Safety Officer. In this role I ensure we follow the Child Safe Standards at Reservoir High School, which involves policy development and training. All of our Child Safe Policies and documentation can be located on our website.


I look forward to another year at Reservoir High School. 


Lea Volpe

Assistant Principal