Education in Faith

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

The Feast of the Assumption

The queen takes her place next to God 


This Sunday is a very special day. The church celebrates the feast of the Assumption – when we remember how at the end of her life Mary was taken up to heaven to be with God. 


Our Gospel this week contains the account of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth and of Mary’s proclamation of the Magnificat. Joy runs through this Gospel reading, the joy as the cousins meet and embrace; the joy as the baby within Elizabeth’s womb leaps at the sound of Mary’s voice; and the joy expressed in the words of the Magnificat.


Mary is very special because she was chosen by God to be the mother of God’s Son, Jesus. And Mary says yes to all that God asks of her. When Mary went to visit Elizabeth her cousin, Elizabeth realised just how special Mary and her baby were. Who is Mary’s special baby? 


Mary praises God for all the wonderful things he has done for her. She also praises God

 for showing mercy, for lifting up those who are poor and humble, for filling those who are hungry with good things to eat and sending the rich away empty-handed.


Mary is filled with joy because she realises that God’s love can turn the world upside down. God does not think that the rich and powerful, kings and princes are the most important. Mary was just an ordinary girl, she was poor and humble. But she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. God did not choose a princess, someone who was rich or lived in a palace.


The Gospel today also speaks of the power of friendship. Mary and Elizabeth were not only cousins; they were friends. Invite family members to think of friends they haven’t seen or spoken with in a while. Encourage each person to decide on a random act of kindness he or she can do for that friend - something he or she can make, say, or do to let that friend know the he or she is remembered and appreciated.


We could help our world to look more like Mary’s song of praise. 

We could help to turn the world upside down. 

How do you think we could do that? 

We can share what we have and not get too proud. 

We can care for our earth so that all people can enjoy it, now and in the future.



As Mary prayed to God, we pray now together: 

Wonderful God, thank you for choosing and giving us Mary as our heavenly Mother to intercede for all of us. We praise you for your goodness. Help us love one another as you love us, especially those who are poor. And on this special feast day, we ask Our Lady to pray for us:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.  Blessed art thou amongst women  and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God,  pray for us sinners now  and at the hour of our death. Amen.  


Sacramental News


First Eucharist candidates please check "Sacrament of First Eucharist" Google Classroom page for a code to place your order for photographs from SchoolPix.


Sacrament Levy

Please remember to pay your sacramental levy of $15.

Place this amount in an envelope marked “Sacramental Levy – Eucharist” with your child’s name and Home Group.

The envelope can be handed in at the school office or in the ‘mail box’ in each space.







Please check an important notification about Confirmation on Google Classroom assigned ONLY to Confirmation candidates.

Grade 6


Family Workshop: Tuesday August 31st 7 pm at SFS.


Confirmation Reflection Day

Tuesday, October 5th at St. Kevin’s with Rev Brendan Hayes


Sacrament of Confirmation

October, Friday 15th at St. Kevin’s Church at 7 pm



God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose