St Brigid's News and Events

Flat Junior School Teachers

Isla S
Isla S
Isla M
Isla M
Isla M
Isla S
Isla S
Isla M
Isla M
Isla M

During the holidays the junior teachers at St Brigid’s took up the challenge to flatten themselves, jump in an envelope and go for a ride to each and every student in their classes. Mrs Ripp and Mrs Hampton got to go on some real adventures with their amazing students - from eating the lollies in the lolly jar, playing Barbies and hide and seek in the park.


One family was lucky enough to receive all Year 1/2 teachers as they had a child in each grade!  Flat Mrs Yass and Mrs Kimball had a fabulous time visiting the Foundation students.  Some the things we got to do were help Isla M practise her guitar,  see Emily's bug's hotel, jump on Elaiza's bed and go to the beach with Isla S.


SPECIAL REPORT: Transitioning Back

Although the reality of COVID is not quite over, there still remains a considerable amount of uncertainty. We have all experienced this event together and we are all at various levels of transition and adjustment. The circumstances of this situation have significantly impacted students, parents and teachers alike.


Emotions during this time have been varied. For some it has been an opportunity to reflect on what is important, whilst others have embraced the opportunity to learn new things. One thing that has remained constant - the need for good parenting and supportive teachers. Both of which offer young people stability and familiarity, and are vitally important during this time of transition.


Whilst many children may be excited at the prospect of restrictions being lifted, others may be experiencing mixed emotions. Each child’s reaction will differ depending on how well they cope with stress and change. As families adjust to new routines, it will be vitally important to keep a check on our young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Encourage them to focus on the things they can control or enjoy in order for them to remain motivated and ensure their sense of belonging.  Dr Michael Carr-Greg Clinical Child Psychologist provides a 9 minute report  Click here to watch


Covid 19 - Global Online Safety Advice for Parents & Carers  from the Australian Government eSaftey Commissioner

The eSafety Commissioner has put out a great guide on Global Online Safety.  We have attached it here for you to head.

More Photos from Home!