Principals Report

By Frank Catalano

Dear Members of the Glen Waverley Primary School Community,


I trust all is well with you and your family and welcome to the final newsletter for this term where so much is shared about our fabulous school.


As per usual, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 9802 9938 or via email at

End of Term Reflection

Wow – what a term! As I reflect on it, it certainly is not the term I was expecting particularly with the extended lockdowns. Nevertheless, I think it is always important that we continue to stay positive and also cherish the ‘small things’ in life as eventually we will come out of lockdown and begin to have a ‘new covid-normal’ life! I certainly look forward to this and just as importantly, welcoming all of the children to school! 


As we head towards the school holidays may I once again sincerely thank:

  • Our students, your children, they never cease to amaze me with their passion for learning and commitment to overcoming all obstacles to ensure they not only continue their learning journey but also be the global citizen that we expect of them
  • As a staff we are always extremely grateful to the GWPS parents for the manner in which you support the children and our school as a whole – to all GWPS families thank you as we are very grateful for all that you do and
  • All of the staff for their fabulous commitment to ensuring the children’s learning is not compromised whilst also being incredibly mindful of the children’s wellbeing.

As we commence the school holidays may I encourage everyone to put their iPads and notebooks in cupboards and not take them out until Sunday 3rd October – the night before school is to resume! I write this as I am extremely concerned about the impact screen time is having on the wellbeing of the children and also the quality of family time. This time of the year is ideal to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Please do so and I look forward to hearing all about adventures the children accomplish throughout the holidays!  

Term Four

At this stage I am not aware if the children will be able to return to school for the beginning of Term Four or if we are to continue with LFH. During the holidays, please keep an eye on the media and also Compass for updates. Once again, hopefully the children will be able to return to school very soon!

Congratulations Mrs Parsons

I am thrilled to report that Mrs Parsons has given birth to a baby boy, Oliver Lorenzo Parsons, who was born on the 7th of September at 11:42 pm weighing 3.23kg. Mrs Parsons and Oliver are doing well, and the extended family are overjoyed with the arrival Oliver. Included are photos of Mrs Parsons and her husband Cameron and Oliver. 


Staffing Update

  • Ms Monique Kelly – last Friday we farewelled Ms. Kelly as she begins family leave. We all wish Ms Kelly and her partner Chris all the very best with the pending arrival of their first child and cannot wait to share a photo or two with the school community later in the year.
  • Farewell Andy and Kay Platt - For those who may not be aware, our Facilities Manager Andy and his wife Kay, have decided to retire and their final day with us will be tomorrow, although Kay has been on leave for this year.

Andy and Kay, on behalf of the entire Glen Waverley Primary School community a sincere thank you for your commitment to our school and we wish you a retirement filled with health, happiness, joy and love!


Our school chess team

Congratulations to our school chess team as they continue to make significant progress through the various state competitions. Last Thursday they finished in 1st place and have now qualified for the Chess Victoria Semi-finals. The competition consisted of 108 players and our team dominated 5 of the top 10 places with Tejas winning the top spot followed by Rahul (5th), Nikhil (6th), Saheli (9th) and Vikas (10th), in addition 7 of our students placed between 11th and 30th place as well. 


It certainly was very much a team effort as every player won at least 2 games.  Well done and congratulations to all of the children as we are all incredibly proud of you and we look forward to seeing how you go in the State semi-finals in a few weeks’ time!


The team consisted of the following children:


Prep: Naveen

Year 1: Saheli and Amaya

Year 2: Evin and Ryan

Year 4: Vikas, Vidushi, Ammar, Dev and Dhruv

Year 5: Omika, Reyansh and Nikhil

Year 6: Tejas, Rahul, Sanuk, Arnav and Okith


Naturally the above would not be possible if it were not for the generous time, effort and sacrifices from the parents of the children in the team, thank you and well done everyone!


Facilities Update

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, during the lockdown we have taken the opportunity to replace some of the classroom carpet and have now completed this task within the following classrooms: 


  • The Performing Arts classroom
  • 4A and 4E’s portable and
  • 4B’s and 6C’s portable.

The other exciting project that has commenced is the replacement of the Year 5 and 6 adventure playground. At the time of distributing this newsletter the tradespeople have:

  • Removed the old playground and
  • Laid the concrete slab for the new playground.

Over the holidays we expect the new playground to be built and at this stage should be completed by the end of Week 2. I look forward to sharing additional news and photos in the first newsletter of Term Four. 


Thank you to the Abdelmalek and Mubarak Families

A sincere thank you to Laila (Year 5) and Nafeesa (Year Prep) and their families for the very kind donation of numerous books that will be used in our school library or part of our classroom reading program.  

The vast amount is depicted in the photo below!



Department of Education and Training (DET) School Review 

As mentioned previously our school has recently completed the DET review process and I am thrilled to share with you the Goals and Key Improvement Strategies we will focus on over the next 5 years: 


Goal One:       To target and accelerate the learning growth of every student in English


Key Improvement Strategies:

  • Further enhance, document and implement whole school teaching and learning approaches that supports deep learning, metacognition and transfer of knowledge in English.
  • Document and implement a whole school approach to catering for EAL learners across all areas of the curriculum.
  • Further build a consistent teacher understanding of data analysis to enhance student learning and growth.


Goal Two:     To target and accelerate the learning growth of every student in Mathematics


Key Improvement Strategies:

  • Further enhance, document and implement whole school teaching and learning approaches that supports deep learning, metacognition and transfer of knowledge in Mathematics.
  • Create and implement a Whole School Approach for language acquisition across all areas of Mathematics.
  • Build teacher and student capabilities in data analysis to identify, communicate and enhance levels of challenge.


Goal Three:     To empower all students to lead their learning and wellbeing with voice, agency and as productive citizens of the world


Key Improvement Strategies:


  • Develop a contextual understanding of student voice and agency in learning, leadership and wellbeing to enhance engagement as global citizens.
  • Renew the school’s well-being program to include a focus on resilience and social and emotional learning.
  • Create, document and implement a whole school approach to the Science of Learning for students, parents and staff.


May I once again take the opportunity to thank all of the children, staff and parents who have assisted with the review process as your time, effort and contribution is appreciated immensely.


Vacation Care Program

Once again, our school will be implementing our very own Vacation Care (Holiday Care) program during the forthcoming holidays. Included in this newsletter is an overview of the program and the associated costs. Please be aware that ALL FAMILIES are entitled to a 50% rebate (which is not means tested) plus a further rebate which is determined by your family’s 2020-2021 annual taxable income. If you have any questions pertaining to the Vacation Care program, please do not hesitate to contact or see Meetha (OSHC coordinator) or refer to our school website. 



End of Term Awards

Congratulations to the following children who have been selected to receive the Term Three Kiwanis Club Terrific Kids award:


Chloe - Prep D

Congratulations Chloe you have shown wonderful success this term and should be commended for embodying the qualities of a ‘TERRIFIC Kid’ – Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive, Capable and Respectful. Chloe demonstrated care and compassion as she shared encouraging words such as ‘I am happy for you’ when her peers achieved success and motivated her classmates by saying ‘you did a good job’. She is always inclusive by making sure that no one is left out when there are pair or group tasks, by asking the teacher if it is ok for an additional member joins her group as they are by themselves. Chloe, you are thoughtful learner who always considers the feelings and needs of those around you. Well done Chloe! 


Nuvee - 1E

Nuvee is an aspiring leader who is proactive in helping her peers with their learning. She shows excellent engagement in online learning and in the classroom, confidently sharing her thoughts with the class. Nuvee has a fantastic growth mindset and is willing to take on any challenge. She has demonstrated empathy and compassion towards others, comforting them when they are feeling down and ensuring that they are alright. Congratulations on your outstanding efforts this year Nuvee!


Anuki - 3C 

Anuki is an extremely enthusiastic student, who is always looking for new ways to improve herself by challenging her thinking. She is always engaged in her learning, and demonstrates active participation in all classroom discussions, and being present and organised during her conferences. Anuki displays the GWPS School Values of Respect, Initiative, Integrity and Global Empathy with rigour, by modelling them with her behaviour, both inside and outside of the classroom. She is also a modest and kind learner, who is always willing to lend a helping hand to her teachers and peers. Congratulations Anuki, you are a worthy recipient of the Terrific Kids Award! 😊 


Theenu - 5C

This Kiwanis award is proudly presented to Theenu.  Theenu is a persistent, patient and kind learner, she leans into her misconceptions with deep concentration and an open mind. This level of intrinsic motivation always leads to her success in being able to articulate pertinent questions that push her metacognition forward. Theenu is a well sought-after friend and collaborator within our classroom, this is due to her innate trust in others and belief in their ability to be the best version of themselves. She is always solution focussed and seeks to negotiate an outcome that brings joy to everyone around her. She exemplifies our school values within her attitude towards building connections, leading conversations and learning. Theenu is whole heartedly invested in being a lifelong learner, making her a strong role model for everyone around her! Congratulations Theenu, you should feel very proud of yourself!


Term Three Principal Learning Awards

Congratulations to the following children who have been nominated to receive the Term Three Principal Learning Awards as you should be very proud of your achievements. 


Arya Prep ACongratulations Arya! You have consistently demonstrated the school value of integrity by applying our classroom expectations both within the classroom and in an online environment. You embed initiative into your day-to-day practice as shown in your learning submissions. It is wonderful to see how you willingly take upon the challenge tasks to enhance your learning and apply feedback and feedforward from the teacher to continuously improve what is already great. Your interactions online have been respectful and courteous, as you skilfully use the virtual functions on Teams to effectively interact with your peers. Well done Arya, and congratulations again on a fantastic term!
Sandaru Prep BSandaru has shown great personal growth this year by embracing challenges with learning which has transferred into managing brilliantly online. His listening and acceptance to feedback, along with his independent application of new skills and knowledge, has allowed him to uphold his rigour and develop deeper thinking. Sandaru further demonstrates persistence when he revises his learning and makes improvements, both online and at school.  He enthusiastically participates in class discussions and enjoys sharing his experiences and learning over video calls, with his teachers and fellow classmates. Sandaru engages with his friends in a kind and courteous manner and shows the utmost respect to all his teachers and fellow learners. We are so proud you are a member of Prep B and GWPS!
Jazleen Prep CJazleen has made such wonderful progress this semester, both academically and socially.  She has embraced new challenges and graciously listens to feed forward to improve her skills across all learning areas. Jazleen is a resilient learner who enthusiastically approaches new tasks with a positive ‘can do’ attitude and this has been so evident while learning from home this term.  She consistently tries her best and always seeks assistance from the teacher if she is unsure. She has shown independence in her learning and completes her work in a timely manner. Jazleen has a friendly and kind nature and engages with her peers in a respectful manner, often supporting their achievements and efforts with positive comments. Thank you Jazleen for being such a fantastic role model and member of Prep C and Glen Waverley Primary School. I am so proud of you!  
Ethan Prep DEthan is an integral member of Prep D, who has shown wonderful success this term. He is to be commended for his increased focus on learning, which has allowed him to see through tasks to completion, even when there were distractions in his surroundings. Ethan used his initiative to ask his teacher for challenges to extend his learning, especially in the area of Mathematics. For instance, he not only stretched himself with the topic of addition, but also took on the challenge to explain to his peers his process of problem solving. Ethan, it was wonderful to see you explain your thinking using ‘Mental strategies’ and link your thinking to the SURF proficiency of Reasoning. Your determination and attitude towards learning is incredible. Well done Ethan! 
Reyansh Prep ECongratulations Reyansh! You have consistently shown engagement, motivation and enthusiasm towards your learning! You apply persistence, to ensure you complete your tasks and have demonstrated resilience throughout this learning from home period. It has been wonderful to see you apply your learning goals, which has seen you make great progress, particularly in reading. You have continued to be friendly to all your classmates in group conferences, which can be attributed to your friendly and kind nature. Well done for a fantastic term and I hope you keep up the amazing learning!
Krish 1AKrish exudes a cheerfulness and excitement during online interactions. He actively participates with enthusiasm and demonstrates respectful listening by using the virtual applications on screen such as the hand icon to contribute his ideas and thoughts. He applies self-regulation by concentrating and persisting with his learning. Krish has a positive mindset and welcomes feedback and feedforward to further deepen his learning. Congratulations and well done Krish!
Declyn 1BDeclyn Ung of 1B has received our Term Three 2021, Principal’s Learning Award! During the term, Declyn demonstrated a consistent and high degree of focus during learning time. He took charge of his own learning and applied our school value of Initiative, by approaching his teacher to start goal conferences. While working on his goals, Declyn regularly sought feedback from his teacher and relished any opportunity to share his learning. With the shift to remote learning, he has been organised, punctual and an active participant during conferences. Declyn, congratulations on an incredible term of learning!
Vivaan 1CVivaan Sathe of 1C is receiving the Term Three Principal’s Learning Award. He is an inquisitive and active learner, who loves to share his knowledge of the world during our online roll calls. Vivaan continuously demonstrates our school values of Respect, by utilising the digital hand function, and muting his microphone when listening to others. His personality shines in every online meeting, as he is always ready to learn with a big smile on his face. It has been wonderful to see Vivaan develop his resilience, as he willingly takes on and overcomes all challenges while progressing through the ‘Learning Pit’.  Additionally, he takes immense pride in his achievements, as he thoroughly enjoys sharing his learning accomplishments to his peers and teachers. Congratulations on your huge amount of growth this term! 
Lesara 1DLesara is an outstanding learner who approaches all tasks with a positive attitude. She continually takes positive risks to challenge herself and progress in her learning. Lesara has adapted to online learning with maturity and initiative. She is always prepared for conferences by being punctual and having the required learning materials prepared. Lesara respectfully uses the virtual ‘raise hand’ feature and a range of the virtual talk moves to interact and encourage others during small group conferences and whole class sessions. It is wonderful to see you demonstrate such maturity in these challenging times. Keep up the fantastic effort Lesara! 
Rohith   1ERohith has shown he is dedicated and enthusiastic learner, adjusting well to online learning. He consistently contributes to class discussions, showing deep thinking and enthusiasm for his learning. Rohith approaches all learning challenges with a growth mindset and a ‘you can do it’ attitude, and he is not afraid to jump into the Learning Pit. He is a friendly class member and willing to help out others in both the classroom and playground. Congratulations Rohith!
Aseli 2AAseli is a conscientious learner who demonstrates a high standard of work ethics and responsibility towards her academic development. She uses her learning opportunities efficiently and effectively, showing her love for knowledge and ownership of her learning. Aseli contributes to class discussions to further her understanding and makes connections between the learning, her prior knowledge and experiences. She models an exceptional attitude to her community that reflects the school values of Respect, Initiative, Integrity and Global Empathy. Aseli demonstrates the values by showing respect to her peers and teachers, assisting others when they need support and demonstrating gratitude to her teachers for the learning opportunities. Aseli is full of positivity, optimism and enthusiasm and encourages her peers, making her a worthy recipient to receive the Principal’s Learning Award. Congratulations, Aseli.
Savinu 2BThe Principal's Learning Award for 2B is awarded to Savinu Sahabandu. Savinu is an enthusiastic learner who has embraced learning from home and genuinely challenged himself. He demonstrated tremendous focus each day, arriving to his conferences on time and contributing his thoughts in a considered and timely manner. Savinu has particularly excelled in Mathematics this term and has asked valuable questions whenever uncertain of something. Congratulations Savinu on an outstanding Term.
Yehara 2C2C’S Principal’s Learning Award recipient for Term Three is Yehara Ihalagedara. Yehara is a highly committed student who regularly takes challenges in her learning. She takes great pride in presenting her learning to a very neat and detailed standard. Yehara uses courteous manners with her peers and teachers and is an asset to 2C’s learning environment. Her social confidence is flourishing and it has been so wonderful to see her contribute deep thinking regularly to class discussions. Congratulations Yehara, you should be so proud of the amazing successes you have achieved with your learning!
Vethum 2DThroughout Term Three, Vethum has gone above and beyond when transitioning between onsite and remote learning. Each morning he attends Roll Call with a smile on his face, ensuring he enthusiastically says “Good morning” to his peers and teacher. Vethum eagerly looks for new challenges in mathematics and literacy and uses his initiative to tackle his learning tasks independently. He consistently shows respect and kindness both online and when attending onsite learning. Congratulations on a fabulous term of learning and growing Vethum. You should be extremely proud of yourself! 
Hridu 2ECongratulation to Hridu on receiving this terms Principal's Learning Award. Throughout Term 3 you have displayed phenomenal resilience, adapting to the LFH format and developing a positive attitude towards your learning. Hridu, you have worked extremely hard this year on your Maths goals and transitioning between your classroom and specialist. You should be extremely proud of how much your confidence has grown over the last 3 terms. Keep up the positive and friendly attitude and Well done!
Anaya  3ACongratulations Anaya, for demonstrating incredible efforts in Term 3, throughout all aspects of your learning.  You have shown inspiring dedication through the use of questioning and any inquiries that you may have, which displays your initiative in your learning.  It shows your enthusiasm of utilising our 2021 Foci of ‘Curiosity through Challenge’. Your flexibility during these unforeseen circumstances have been outstanding and no matter where you are learning you are eager to demonstrate your absolute best at all times. You have shared your strategies that helped you succeed with your peers, which helped them connect with you at a meaningful level. This showed your care and empathy for others around you, and your ‘want’ to see them achieve as well. Well done Anaya on having a magnificent term of learning, I look forward to continuing this journey with you in Year Three. 
Yan 3BCongratulations Ryan for a fantastic term of learning. Ryan has shown increased dedication and motivation towards his learning over the course of the term. It has been great to see Ryan shift his focus towards his learning as he achieved success while working towards his learning goals. Ryan’s confidence was evident as he continuously shared exciting moments he experienced while learning at home.  Well done Ryan on a great term of learning.
Reina 3CCongratulations Reina, for a fantastic term of learning in Grade 3! Reina has shown that she is always engaged in her learning, by demonstrating active participation in all classroom discussions as well as being present and organised during her conferences. She is also a compassionate learner, who cares for all her friends and classroom peers, by asking how they are and whether they need any help or support. She shows respect, inclusiveness and empathy to all classroom peers, and this is exemplified through her whole body listening when others are speaking. Reina also likes taking risks and challenging herself in her learning by attempting to reach the Deep Consolidation level of the Success Criteria. I am very proud of her motivation to learn and how she always keeps up the positive attitude and bubbly demeanour. Keep up the wonderful efforts, Reina! 😊 
Senuk 3DCongratulations Senuk, you have been a wonderful learner in 3D and at GWPS as you live and breath our classroom expectations and our school values. You show Respect and Global Empathy towards your teachers and peers through your interactions with them, by listening, applying feedforward, understanding and caring for others' feelings. Your willingness to help out the classroom and friends is a great example of Initiative and your reliability is evidence of Integrity. Throughout this year, you have shown so much growth in Resilience as you can bounce back from disappointments within a short period of time. Your Getting Along skills are second to none as you are able to make new friends easily through sports and you are willing to include others. Well done Super Star and keep up with those wonderful traits no matter where you go!
Tania 3EWell done on such a fantastic term, Tania! It has been great to see you take initiative in your learning in a multitude of ways, while mostly learning from home. I admire how much effort you put into achieving your learning goals and how hard you work to ensure you show evidence of your progress of these in Reading, Writing and Maths. It has also been wonderful to see your positive attitude each day, where you consistently encourage others, willingly ask questions and contribute your thoughtful ideas to our class discussions. You are such a great role model to your peers, as you continually display our school values of respect and initiative on a daily basis. We are very lucky to have you as a member of 3E, Tania!
Samar 4APrincipal Award awarded to Samar in 4A for: Always displaying courtesy, respect and collaboration in our online community. Your work during LFH6.0 continues to be of a high standard. You consistently strive towards being an incredibly self-regulated learner by challenging yourself, having a growth mindset and powering through with persistence. You have proved yourself to be an outstanding role model of integrity, initiative and striving for excellence. Congratulations Samar!
Sayum  4BCongratulations on receiving the Principal’s Learning Award, Sayum! You consistently demonstrate the GWPS School Values which shows how much you value and take pride in your school. You are such a thoughtful and caring member of 4B and you endeavour to bring a smile to our faces, daily. Your positivity is unwavering, which has been even more appreciated during the Learning from Home period. I am extremely impressed by your approach to life and learning and it has been wonderful to see your confidence blossom as the year has progressed. Thank you for always applying your personal best to everything that you do. I am very proud of you and I hope that you feel a sense of pride for all that you have achieved this term. Keep up the wonderful work, Sayum! Congratulations.
Nuyara 4CWhat a tremendous term of learning Nuyara has had! She has been an outstanding learner, working extremely hard in building her independence and by applying a consistent positive attitude. Using her Growth Mindset, Nuyara approaches her learning and new challenges with an ‘I Can Do It’ attitude and persistence. She shows great enthusiasm towards her learning and applies the strategies she has developed, as well as feedfoward in all areas of the curriculum. What a fantastic term of learning Nuyara, I cannot wait to see what you achieve in Term Four!
Vinu 4DVinu has been a fantastic learner in 4D throughout this term and brings joy to everything that she does. She has demonstrated her best effort and looked for challenge in all areas of learning. Vinu has taken on the challenge in Learning From Home where she brings a positive attitude and helps others. She is is able to share her thinking in an effective manner and has been able to thrive during Learning From Home. Congratulations Vinu and well done!
Eamon 4EEamon has been an exceptional learner in 4E this term, working hard and exhibiting enthusiasm towards all aspects of his learning journey. He is always committed to applying his best efforts and strategies to everything he endeavours and has embraced all challenges with a positive and open attitude. Eamon is a thoughtful and caring learner who strives to support his peers both inside and outside of the classroom. Well done and congratulations Eamon!
Lavendra 5ADear Lavendra, CONGRATULATIONS on your well deserved award. You have shown an abundance of resilience, patience and positivity during this term. You are a reflective learner, who is able to articulate successes and future goals with integrity. This term, you have regularly taken risks in your learning by sharing your thoughts with others even when unsure! This has had an incredibly positive impact on your confidence. Keep up the great attitude and keep showing the attributes of a life-long learner! 
Owen 5BOwen has shown tremendous dedication and pride in his learning, particularly when learning from home. He is an exemplary role model, demonstrating the school values at all times. Owen seeks feedback and feedforward with enthusiasm to improve his learning and ensures he tracks his personalised learning goals with meticulous detail. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement. Keep up the effort to pursue all learning opportunities offered to you, Owen.
Benjamin 5CThis Principals Learning Award is proudly presented to Benjamin! Benjamin is a caring, conscientious and thoughtful learner. He speaks with great consideration and always adds value to discussions with his questioning and ideas. He seeks to challenge ideas, especially when he is passionate or confident in his thinking. He is also a very creative thinker as he values trialling new ideas, leaning into his productive struggle and finding more than one option in his metacognition when problem solving. Ben models our school values within every interaction and applies a growth mindset within his learning and personal connections. Well done Ben, you should be very proud of your growth this year!
Senuki 5DSenuki is a diligent and dedicated learner who exhibits a love of learning and a strong desire to improve. She approaches school life with a cheerful enthusiasm and strives to always give her best. Senuki is always polite to teachers and peers and is a friendly, courteous, and thoughtful member of the school community. She consistently makes admirable choices, and her confidence continually blossoms in all aspects of school. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement. Keep up your positive attitude and dedication to pursuing and obtaining new knowledge, personal growth, and academic achievement. 
Akshay 5EAkshay has embraced the challenges of learning from home and shown dedication and commitment to continuing his learning. He has led by example in the way he conducts himself through his interactions with others in the online environment. Akshay takes great pride in the learning he produces and is always willing to share his successes and challenges with his classmates. He has approached the term with a positive mindset and shown the initiative to set himself new challenges. Congratulations on a fantastic achievement, you should be proud of your achievements and learning throughout the year. 
Raghav 6ARaghav has excelled in the Learning from Home environment, demonstrating initiative, persistence and care for others. Raghav follows our classroom expectations and is unafraid to ask a question or seek to build his understanding. Raghav is an exceptional digital role model showing how we can use technology to make connections, find joy and learn a new skill. He should be commended for his mature approach to learning and his ability to self-regulate his education. Congratulations Raghav, this award is well deserved. It has been an absolute pleasure to learn with you and from you.
Anuki  6BCongratulations Anuki for Term 3’s Principals’ Learning Award. Your spectacular attitude towards learning both offline and online has made a tremendous positive affect on your peers in your class. You consistently show initiative in the class with organisation and setting yourself and your peers up ready for each session and task. Anuki, you continue to put others before yourself in the class and make sure that everyone is well and included. Your kind and caring heart definitely does not go unnoticed amongst your peers and teachers. Furthermore, you have persisted through the challenge of remote learning with such high level of enthusiasm and effort. Congratulations and keep up the superb effort you put into everything Anuki!
Arya 6CThroughout Term Three, Arya has embraced Learning From Home exceptionally well. He is to be commended on his seamless transition from face-to-face learning and multiple snap lockdowns. While this environment can be challenging,  Arya has faced every day with a positive attitude, humour, and a willingness to help others. It is clear he always follows the school values, Respect, Integrity, Initiative and Global Empathy from regularly uploading his learning and collaborating with others. It has been a privilege to watch how Arya drives his own learning through questioning and self-reflection. He is always looking for opportunities to deepen his understanding or transfer his knowledge into other curriculum areas. Congratulations Arya, you should be incredibly proud at how you approach and direct your learning.
Arnav 6DCongratulations Arnav, for your tremendous effort and participation this term both at school and during our Learning From Home period. You have not only reflected the values of the school but have also shown strength in the YCDI keys to success. During our online time together, you have shown to be an exceptional role model. You have upheld and promoted our online expectations, whilst also showing support to your fellow peers by guiding them to find online content and answering questions about the learning tasks when needed. This has shown your ability to transfer the skills of getting along, being organised and using initiative from the physical classroom into our online classroom. Your contributions to our learning environment have been invaluable. Furthermore, you are to be commended for the effort you have applied into your own learning. You continually strive to be and do your best. Arnav, 6D are fortunate to have such a kind, considerate and positive learner like you. Well done.
Mustafa 6ECongratulations Mustafa, for your continual contribution of positivity during the Learning From Home period. You are to be commended for your sensational effort in all areas of your learning. You consistently act in a respectful manner and display empathy to those around you. While being an onsite learner during Learning From Home this term, you demonstrated empathy by considering your classmates when volunteering to send them photos of their narratives. 6E is incredibly lucky to have a considerate and positive learner like you. We look forward to sharing ideas and experiences with you for the remainder of the year. Well done Mustafa! 




Prep A

  • Deana and Aaditya for making amazing progress with their ability to understand and implement subtraction equations



Prep B

  • Karan also for making amazing progress with his ability to understand and implement subtraction equations



Prep C

  • Aaditya also for making amazing progress with his ability to understand and implement subtraction equations



Prep E

  • Sophie also for making amazing progress with her ability to understand and implement subtraction equations




  • Aadyah for writing the most elaborate Pokémon Rap and also for creating a very intricate Venn diagram outlining the similarities and differences between two texts



  • Kevin for making amazing progress with his writing
  • Prisha for making great progress in all areas of the curriculum and also for being a very supportive friend



  • Tahlia for creating a very intricate Venn diagram outlining the similarities and differences between two texts and for also making outstanding progress with her writing as featured in the Kids Corner section of the newsletter
Tahlia & Aadyah
Tahlia & Aadyah



  • Daysha for being extremely creative with her drawing skills





  • Sanali also for being extremely creative with her drawing skills





  • Neha for working very hard to improve her ability to write concise pieces




  • Shayan for making amazing progress with his ability to draw perspective drawings
  • James for being an awesome friend

End of Term Three Reminders

Please be aware of the following reminders pertaining to tomorrow and the first week of Term Four:



  • Is the final day of Term Three and the children will be dismissed at 2:30 pm.
  • Our After School Care Program will subsequently commence from 2:30.
  • The last day of each term is also a “free dress” day – this applies to LFH and also the children at school


Term Four: 

  • Is scheduled to commence on Monday 4th October
  • At this stage I am not aware whether the children will continue LFH or return to school, please keep an eye on the media and Compass for updates over the school holidays.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy school holiday period. Please ensure you ‘lock away’ the screens and spend as much time outdoors as possible. Take care everyone and looking forward to the commencement of Term Four.  



Frank Catalano
