School Nurse's Report

Head Lice

Dear Parents/Carers if your child brings home a Head Lice Alert notice please ensure you check their hair for any signs of head lice or eggs.                                                                        

If head lice or eggs are found it is essential that you treat your child’s hair prior to sending them back to school. Following treatment the bottom section of the Head Lice Alert notice needs to be completed and sent back to school upon your child’s return.  Please refer to guidelines for treating and controlling head lice on the following website:





Gastroenteritis (gastro) is short-term illness triggered by the infection and inflammation of the digestive system. Symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting. Some of the causes include viruses, bacteria, bacterial toxins, parasites, particular chemicals and some drugs.  The main complication of gastroenteritis is dehydration, but this can be prevented if the fluid lost in vomit and diarrhoea is replaced. If symptoms persist or your child cannot retain fluids, please seek attention.


Please keep your child at home until they have completely recovered from a bout of Gastroenteritis in order to prevent spread of infection and allow your child to recuperate sufficiently.


Prevention of gastroenteritis:

General suggestions on how to reduce the risk of gastroenteritis include:

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after going to the toilet or changing nappies, after smoking, after using a handkerchief or tissue, or after handling animals.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before preparing food or eating.
  • Use disposable paper towels to dry your hands rather than cloth towels, since the bacteria can survive for some time on objects.
  • Do not handle raw and cooked foods with the same implements (tongs, knives, cutting boards), unless they have been thoroughly washed between uses.
  • Keep all kitchen surfaces and equipment clean.
  • Keep cold food cold (below 5 °C) and hot food hot (above 60 °C) to discourage the growth of bacteria.
  • Make sure foods are thoroughly cooked.
  • Clean the toilet, bathroom and baby change tables regularly, especially the toilet seat, door handles and taps.

              "Keep well and stay safe"


Rosemary Van Aperen

School Nurse