Assistant Principals' Report

Supporting Students with Special Needs

As part of the Victorian Government commitment to make Victoria the Education State, the Department of Education and Training has begun a review into how schools can better support students with special needs – including those with autism and dyslexia.

The review into the Program for Students with disabilities includes the opportunity for parents to tell the Department what they think of the current program and how it can be improved.

Renowned human rights practitioner and Australia's former Disability Commissioner, Dr Graeme Innes, will lead face-to-face consultations for the review which is designed to guide and improve our Department's approach to providing support to students with additional needs.


You can get involved by taking an online survey which will be available from September via:



Your responses will help shape the Education State and encourage creative solutions to providing outstanding special needs education in Victoria. 


Kirrily Lamers, Colin Simpson & Kath Moore

Assistant Principals