From the Principal Class Team

Year 10 and 11 Exams and Year 9 semester tests

From Thursday, 30 May until Friday, 7 June the Year 10-11 Examination program is running.  Year 12 Practice exams are also scheduled for the term break with a few running during class time in the final week of this term.  A timetable of these will be distributed so that all students know when their exams are on.  The Year 9 Semester tests will run from Monday, 3 June to Friday, 7 June.  Students should be preparing for these assessments to enable them to successfully demonstrate their understanding of the skills, knowledge and understandings for each of their subjects.


Progress Reports

Term 2 progress reports for all year 7 - 12 students are now available and can be accessed via the parent and student portal in Compass.  Parents are encouraged to read and save the report for their child and discuss each subject with them.  Successful results and improved performance should be acknowledged and areas of concern should be discussed. Students should be encouraged to come up with positive strategies for addressing any areas of concern with a parent.  Parents are welcome to contact the school via their child's year level coordinator if they are concerned about their child's progress. In some cases, the year level coordinator will contact parents to arrange an interview. This will be the case where progress is a concern in a number of subjects.



This year St Albans Secondary College was one of many schools required to complete the Naplan tests online.  All year 7 and 9 students completed the writing tests online, however, due to issues with connectivity the VCAA offered the opportunity for students to complete all the other tests on paper.  All year 7 and 9 students completed the numeracy, language conventions and reading tests on paper versions. 


Compass Parent Night

The College recently ran a parent night for families from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds to learn how to access information about their child on Compass. This was a very successful evening and helped many of our families see the importance of using the school management software.  If you need assistance to access Compass, please contact the school general office.




Our annual athletics Carnival was held on Monday, 13 May at the Keilor Park Athletics Stadium. It was wonderful to see the great levels of participation in the official events, as well as the novelty events including the tug of war. Well done to Mr Robert Lakovski and his team for the organisation of the day, and congratulations to all participants and ribbon winners. Good luck to those progressing to the next level of completion in the Keilor district.